346.63(1)(a) Operating While under Influence (2nd)
~ Guilty
{$1,000.00} Signature bond signed
Order for intox driver assessment and safety plan
Payment plan has been erased because no payments have been received
Defendant not in court. June Heisler, Clerk. Not called on the Record. The Court refers this matter to Br. 3 for Arrest and Commitment
Commitment authorized
Commitment issued
Name one (of many) things that a parent does not want to read about their child.
...and I thought my head hurt before. Now my heart breaks even more-so.
I have one child trying just to stay alive, and this other one is doing her level best to kill herself?
Please, could someone kindly explain this to me?!?
Rut Roh! This doesn't sound good at all!
ReplyDeletewish I could :(
ReplyDeleteOh Anna, I am so sorry about this. Sometimes they have to really get into trouble before they actually wake up and smell the roses. I know how this is tearing your heart apart and there really isn't anything you can do. I've been here before and don't ever think it is your fault in any way. We raise our kids the best that we can and sometimes they just choose to live a very hard life. I pray for you to find the strength and for your kid to grow up and realize exactly what they are doing to their self! {{{HUGS}}}
ReplyDeleteChildren give us the most joy and it seems the most pain .....I'm sorry hon xoxoxoxoxox A lesson I learned from you my Dear Friend............Let go let God. I'm beginning to understand all we can do is pray for our children, and another lesson I'm learning is , its nothing we as parents did or didnt do.
ReplyDeleteIt is called stupidity.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear all this but not really surprised. You know she has to find her "bottom"....
I have that here...the oldest child has the same thing Andrew does. Although Scott does not have the diabetes issue(as of yet) and I pray he doesn't ever have it. Scott does as Scott wants to.... when Scott wants dammned what is in his best interest. Then he adds the "wrecreational" drugs to the mix and alcohol. I have done the "let go and let God" with him and his sister(my Daughter is in the best health..having the Protien S def of the 3...she is like doesn't affect her unless she is on birth control pills...hence the reason I have a granddaughter on the way)..a long time ago. I have times when I feel we are going to get a call one day that Scott has passed away of something he's taken..or been in a wreck..or gotten killed over something stupid. But I know short of locking him away...and sitting on him...there's not a dang thing I can do to stop him...he has to do it on his own. Its like the situation between him and his son. He was pissed at me last summer because we had him and we didn't tell him we had him....sorry the 1 stipulation Levi had in coming and spending time with me was that he didn't have to see his Dad....hey...I aint giving up my rights to see him just because Scott has chosen to be a dead beat Dad. I told him over and over his actions towards Levi were going to come back to haunt him...and they have and he has no one but the person he sees in the mirror to blame.
ReplyDeleteSounds a bit cold hearted ...but I didn't choose the path ..he did.
I figure in the end it will all work out. I just pray he lives thru his choices.
No, I cannot explain this. I only know that it hurts like hell, and I'm sorry you have to feel it.
ReplyDeleteAugust 19, 2010 Cancer (6/22-7/22) Are you ready to let go and let nature take its course with your family members? It's past time -- particularly since there's only so much you can do. Once you've exhausted your resources, it's on them to take responsibility for their own affairs. If they don't (or can't- or won't), just resolve yourself to the fact that all you can do is point the way -- you can't live their lives for them.
Wow! How appropriate is that?
Some things about astrology really are right on target.Have a wunnaful day!
so true so true hugs--
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone-
ReplyDeleteI do know that this is not my 'fault'-
It is still quite hard to deal with.
Am thinking that the "08-16-2010, Commitment issued" thing means she is in jail now?
I am not going to call to find out, nor will I ask Randy-
But like stated, it is hard.
My dad always said to us that if we were smart enough to get ourselves IN trouble, that we should then be smart enough to get ourselves out. He meant it.
It is a line I repeated to my children as they grew. I meant it too.
The drinking, the drugs. I once told myself it is a stage she will outgrow; especially when Jenné and Casey went along with me to yank her out of a freakin' crack house in Alabama after too many pleas from William.
Some of you may remember that...
I know I won't forget anytime soon.
Be that as it may, your comments and insights- and your own experiences do help much.
This is no damn "stage"- She turned 30 last month.
Love to all
Funny you bring this up-
ReplyDeleteAfter that trip we made down south to pick her up, she did check herself into rehab up here.
When she was released over a month later, she went straight to her dads place.
Dad drinks and thought nothing of her doing so.
And so the cycle continued...
Of course it was her dad too that told me we had no business going down there to get her in the 1st place.
This, from a man who lost his daughter, (Reianna), to a legal prescription death!
And yes, I do know this is not Dennis' fault either. (He is an asshole, but he never held a gun to her head and said, "DRINK!" either).
Roberta has made her bed- She sleeps in it.
We bring our children up the best way we know how and then quite suddenly we find that what they decide to do with their lives is no longer anything to do with us. We have to leave it up to them and try to shovel advice in their general direction when we can, or when they ask for it.
ReplyDeleteReading blogs (such as yours) makes me realise how amazingly lucky I have been with both my own boys and my entire family. My heart goes out to you, it really does. xxxxx
I think it means that the warrant has been issued and they are authorized to go pick her up...
ReplyDeleteeither way it sucks and she has to deal with it on her own...
Each of my children went through their specific "stage" that broke my heart for a bit but since I was fortunate that they have passed through and made some good choices since, I can only truly know a minute portion of the pain you must be feeling. Once someone told me when our children are little they step on our toes and when they are big they step on our hearts. My heart goes out to you Anne.
ReplyDeleteThis too is a misnomer.
I know that she has been pulled over at least 6 times for drunk driving.
But this is under influence too- I am thinking it is not only the drinking that has her all effed up.
ReplyDeleteYou are, VERY fortunate indeed.
Thank you Mrs G, for offering your heart and your words too.
ReplyDeleteCommitment authorized
Commitment issued
Guess I don't know the proper definition of authorized vs issued.
And I am not spending dial up time looking for it either.
I know how cold I sound.
I don't mean to, and yes, I would be devastated if /when anything happens to her.
Again, her choices, not my own. She was raised better than that anyway.
You are right. it simply sucks. Mostly for herself.
Sweet Mary
ReplyDeleteHer two elder sisters also went through that- as a stage- (to the best of my knowledge anyway).
Stories I hear only make me have this sinking feeling inside-
Whomever offered, "when our children are little they step on our toes and when they are big they step on our hearts" is very very wise.
Thank you so much for sharing.
I was lost before Anna however now I understand this must be really gut retching for you and thoughts and possibilities are running around in your mind.
ReplyDeleteOK this happened to me several times ( DUI ) I was a total idiot 30 years ago however I realise that very soon and look back and see that and have taught my girls from what I did; that being said this may be a learning curve for her even at 30, one can only hope.
She may have done wrong on lots of accounts. All a parent can do is be there if they are required I guess, I mean she's not in nappies any longer is she? She should have a brain and intellect Anna so she knows what decisions she has made and the consequences
No, i hear you. and it is not is self protection. You have been down this path and have to step back for the sake of YOU as well as her.
ReplyDeleteI will be back with more
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Somewhere inside I do know this... Just hard to not see and label me as uncaring then.
Love you Pea
OK. looked it up on a legal site...
ReplyDeletethe first one
Commitment authorized
means that the Judge has approved that the warrant for her arrest be issued.
The second one;
Commitment issued
Means that the sheriff now has all the official paperwork in place to go and execute the warrant.
it should change to Commitment executed when she is jailed.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Sweet Pea.
Love you ya know.
Mama D.
Sheesh- "executed" is such a harsh word...
ReplyDeleteanyone who has dealt with alcoholics or "druggies" has been down this path and understands.... anyone who has not will probably NEVER understand how hard it is to step back and watch your loved one fall on their face.
But you HAVE to. It is not cold at all it is the ultimate act of love.
Love you too.
i know... i gritted my teeth when I typed it too
ReplyDeleteThank you- for your beautiful heart.
I give what i get,.....
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteDUI can be, as you already know, drugs or alcohol. My Brother who lives in AZ was on Lunesta and did the sleep driving thing. He had NO IDEA he had gotten out of bed, in his car and hit a parked car. He was charged with DUI and has all the concomitant fines etc to go with. I really hate that you have to go through this. It hurts my heart that yours is breaking. All I can offer is my love and prayers.
Holy Crap Sweet Snotball-
ReplyDeleteThat really sucks! Can't he get out of it?
My heart is breaking, but will be alright too-What I have told Pamela in her comment still rings true for me.
I have "Let go, and let God" many times already with these children of mine.
You have to, or you will die unto yourself.
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteNope, no getting out of it. Needless to say, he no longer takes Lunesta. LOL.
My prayers continue to be with you.
That's despicable!
ReplyDeleteI wish him well.
Maybe an old fashioned glass of wine would help him sleep?
Maybe just an old fashioned too)?
I thank you,, always for your prayers. You are a very special snotball!
I have no idea why she does this... Nor do I have any idea why she is able to continue being an alcoholic and it is I, who rarely drinks, who ends up being a victim of chronic pancreatitis... These are our paths, and we map out our charts long before we get on this earth.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason she has chosen to battle alcoholism...
For some reason I've chosen to battle for my life...
Either way, it won't stop until our souls have learned what they need to before we head back to the Other Side... I pray for her all the time, and hope she realizes what she is doing to herself, her children, you, me, and the rest of her family and friends that worry constantly about something happening to her... I know I've tried to get through to her MANY times, but it never does sink in. She'll say she understands she has a problem and promises to fix it, but other times she'll insist there is no problem...
I don't know what to do... Other than "Let Go and Let God", there's not much we can do...
I do know that I'll be here for you to help you through these tough times... Whatever and whenever you need me, I'll be there!
I love you MUCH MUCH!
ReplyDeleteThank you sis!! And more than a few directed back at you, too!!! *hugs*<---- For Sweet DeeAnne! :D