[My] Life in Wisconsin

Intruder Alert! And a Visit To Gritters-

Casey, reading; at her 2nd doctor appointment,

Hi Everyone! Time for me to play a bit of ketchup again-
Wow! It's Sunday already!
Hard to think that so much time gets past me, and so quickly now too.
Still reading, and trying to keep up.
That doesn't work too well. hehehe
Please let me know if I have missed anything earth-shattering?

Got a kick out of Punk the other day-

Clearly she wasn't paying attention...

What'd'ya mean "turn around"?
Whatd'ya mean "turn around"?

HAHAHA That's funny!
HAHAHA! That IS funny! 
(She also said to tell PeachieBaby that she is planning on writing a blog... soon)!

We have been busy, between doctor visits and all else.

I had to pick up Punk's allergy meds the other day- And as Suzy Q and hubby Glenn live close to Dr. Spires, we stopped there for a while...

Casey and Sue
CaseyAnne and Sue-
My apologies Gritter, I can't remember what you called your Mothers Day plant.
(I am still in love with it though)!

They took us out by their deer- Casey immediately fell in love with this little girl-

Casey Loving Deer
So sweet she is! (Both 'she's' that is)! hehehe

Glenn feeds her raspberry leaves...

Glenn and Deer

We had such a nice visit- taking them away from their chores for quite a while, but so great to see them both on their turf too!
They have been here already to get apples and pears. More soon too.

Upon our returning home -to see the fields are being harvested!


And to note a certain invasion as well...

This makes my mouth water!!!

The other morning, chilly, so all the windows had been closed as soon as I'd woke up, Punk began to growl.
Then a bark or two. (The bark she uses for her intruder alert)!

I'd thought that Sue and Glenn were here to pick up the apples and pears for their deer...
No truck, so I checked the yard. No company either.
But Punk sure was itching to get outside.

I checked the middle lawns...

Lo and behold!!!!

How Punk 'heard' him is beyond me!

And that guy wasn't alone either...


He'd brought the whole family!


One of them making his way up the old barngrade...

And OH, wouldn't they be good like this???

That is my rotisserie chicken.
Not one to shoot out of season-

Casey and I have been visiting duplexes and going to a few showings-
Some, (most) are not empty, so tough to go into other peoples things...  But that does not stop me from checking for water under the sinks, and below the tubs and toidies too.

Nice neighborhoods too...
So we will have to see a few more yet.

Casey, making notes and writing down everything unique about each one of them.
We will see a few more next week too.

We have heard nothing about her latest blood test results- yet.
But will keep you all informed to what those tests tell us.

I have to run- Already I am channel hopping between football games...
My Packers play at 3:15 so Casey will be out then. And there will be NO further channel hopping then either!

I have already done my wash, walked twice around the place, (up to almost 3 miles a day if/when my back and head permit). Happy to have the pedometer!

I picked some cantaloupe and squash-
Cantaloupe is pieced and in the fridge- Squash is on the oven. Smells yummy too!

My love to all.
Hope you are having a 'wunnaful' Sunday!



  1. how kool to see all those wild turkeys ! I used to get them in my yard when I lived up in Michigan , around here now, its more than likely bats and rattle snakes and other crawly things

  2. hehehe
    Sweetie- For the first time in many many years I had a bat in the house, Last month!
    Punk knocked him down and I returned it outside...
    But OMG how much adrenalin I used that night!!!! I was not impressed ny that intruder, that's for sure!

    You can make ratttlesnake soup, and I can make feasts with my birds. Then we can share!


  3. hehehe
    Sweetie- For the first time in many many years I had a bat in the house, Last month!
    Punk knocked him down and I returned it outside...
    But OMG how much adrenalin I used that night!!!! I was not impressed ny that intruder, that's for sure!

    You can make ratttlesnake soup, and I can make feasts with my birds. Then we can share!


  4. I enjoyed all the photos very much!

    Sweetie, I have a recipe for chilled summer soup, (my own), that knocks off peoples' socks it's so yummy. Cantaloupe is the main ingredient. Would you like the recipe??

  5. By the way, I talk turkey. In fact, I've talked turkey so well that a turkey would have torn me to shreds if it hadn't been behind chicken wire. I don't know what I said, but I made it so angry it lost feathers beating at the wiring trying to get at me. I'm sure it was using very bad language, too.

  6. Punk and Casey look like they at least weren't too troubled at the Dr. LOL

    Mr Glenn and Ms Suzy look like they're doing well. The deer are so cute. We have several that like to cross the road right in front of the house. The puppies would like to chase them but I'm afraid for them to.

    The turkeys DID make my mouth water. We used to have quite a few but I think they stay clear because of the puppies.

    MMMMMMMMMMM, cabbages. I love cabbage. Those look so nice. I doubt any will make it this far south :(.

    Good luck to Casey on finding just the right spot.

    Good on you being up to almost 3 miles. I need to do the same.


  7. Nice shirt Casey has on there... wonder where she got it? Must have been something special.

    Punkie got punked!

    The plant looks like a mandevilla.

    it is lunchtime and you are showing me pictures of venison and turkey???? Then talk about cabbages and cantaloupe?

    Thanks sounds like a book. "Of cabbages and cantaloupe"


  8. that flower is amazing that your friend has! glad you are having a wunnaful Sunday yourself, and so am I - my internet is back yippee!

  9. hugs...love the gobblers lol...they are plumper than the ones here...

    I hope things are going better for you. I know its been stressful. Maybe there will be smoother days in the future!

  10. we are up to 6 so far this year .I just hate them , rats with wings I call them

  11. Don't ya'll just love the wait for test results...I know it drives us nuts! We go to the Dr(hemotologist) Monday afternoon.
    Punk is a good watch dog..especially if she heard the turkeys. We used to have them in the yard when we lived over in North Central FL. Nothing but gulls and herons around here..lol Don't think they'd make a decent meal.
    Squash sounds yummy..and the cabbages look great! I remember the last one my Grandfather grew for me was like 11 lbs..and that was after trimming it down. He could grow anything.
    Who's house hunting? Good luck..hope ya'll find what you are looking for ..I always like going and looking for places to live..its the packing and moving and unpacking that kills me.
    It was a crappy weekend for footballs teams from GA. Thank goodness our BRAVES are doing well(or were the last I checked..lol...and yes I know I'm in FL ....you can take the girl out of GA..but not GA out of the girl..lol)
    Have a good week! Look forward to hearing from PUNK soon.


  12. Thank you Sweetie! I absolutely DO want that recipe!


  13. hehehe
    Casey was attacked by the neighbors turkey once-
    She was out- down the driveway and waiting for the bus, and the darn thing got her!
    They are mean mean beasts. You could have been gobble~Gobbling something kind, and if Old Tom hadn't been in a nice mood himself, he would have been just as nasty.

    Too funny! (Casey will be happy to know that someone else also thinks less than positive things about turkeys).


  14. Sweet Snotball!
    Sad, your first line- I think both of those are more than used to going to the darn doctors/vets by now. (And I am used to writing the checks). hehehe
    Punk didn't have to go in though- I just picked up her allergy pills... She takes chlorpheniramine, 8mgs, three times a day. (AHist, Aller-Chlor, Allergy Relief, C.P.M., Chlo-Amine, Chlor-Al Rel, Chlor-Mal, Chlor-Phen, Chlor-Phenit, Chlor-Trimeton, Chlor-Trimeton Allergy SR, Chlorphen, ChlorTan, Ed Chlor-Tan, Ed ChlorPed, PediaTan, Ridramin, TanaHist-PD, Triaminic Allergy, Wal-finate, Efidac-24 Chlorpheniramine, QDALL AR, P-Tann, Chlorpheniramine (Allergy), Pediox-S to us humanoids). hehehe

    Glenn and Sue are the nicest people! Fun and funny too!

    They are part of the greyhound rescue-



    Beautiful pond too!



    She has also gotten her kitties online--
    One from Florida- (a science experiment gone wrong)- and one from Montana- Shy little thing-

    My apologies, (I can't believe I didn't get a single picture of their cats)! So cute they are, especially the one that is so deformed...

    But I did get a picture of their elaborate litterbox!



    The cats can get outside when they need too, and of course back inside as well.
    TOO CUTE!!!!

    Where puppies? And how come I don't know about your puppies?
    Oh gawd, I am SO far behind!

    I picked a red cabbage before Casey got here yesterday- (My 3rd trip around the field, on foot)- Lost Sputty on that trip too, but he came back at suppertime! hehehe
    An hour later, we had meatloaf, squash, sweet/sour hot red cabbage, and cob on the corn too!
    A fresh out of the oven peach crisp, and melon for dessert!


  15. Whoops...
    Trying those 2 last pictures again since my first effort clearly failed...

    Litterbox Taj Mahal!


    And Chase resting---


    Hope that is better.


  16. Sweet Pea;
    Don't you know by now that Andy Walo and YOU are both very very special?!?!
    That's a fact!

    Punk really DID get punked! hahaha!!!
    I was watching the stock market report that day, and they did a clip on some movies that were coming out- Apparently one got a negative review from them, and "Punk" appeared on the screen! Very funny that!

    You are correct about the plant, if I remember correctly anyway. It is a Mandevilla!

    Read my comment to Cille- You will know what we ate for halftime! hehehe
    Now what did you feast on?

    "Of Cabbages and Cantaloupe" -I shall get on my new book shortly!
    Or maybe you could use it for Nanowrimo?

    Love to you

    XOXO- right backatcha
    Mama D.

  17. YAY!
    My Sweet Suzy is finally back! "Yippee" is right!

    Oh the flower is just SO beautiful! They will cut it back and bring it in for Winter- But while it is there I just had to get a picture!

    Our Sundays were made even better by our Packers winning! YAY again!


  18. Sweet Jen-
    When they planted the fields this year, they put in a few dummy crops around the cabbages- There is corn and beans, the melons, and pumpkins. These are for the deer and turkeys- wildlife- so they don't do as much damage to the cabbage crop as they normally would.
    And for me too! hehehe

    But that is why our turkeys are fatter- More well fed.
    Why they must come and peck at the lawns up front is beyond me?

    All is well, save for my darned back and head. Those too shall pass. (I hope). Grrr...


  19. Wild turkey=great eats. Nice piece that took a lot of work. It's nice to see where my contacts live. I like your dog.

  20. Good Lord Woman, I would move! hehehe
    Or Punk would have to get really good at knocking them down...

    Where/How do they get inside your house? (I have only a few theories on my own)-

    As I'd written here, "The one I had was almost entirely pitch black- except for around his face, and eyes, where he looked more like a raccoon instead of a bat!"

    (And here is my original freak-out remark, and the replies too). hehehe


  21. Sweet Denise!
    Sometimes I think the waiting is harder on a body than getting a diagnosis- Yes, it is one of the worst things about it all.
    Happy that Andrew is seeing the hematologist today too. (I ad your blog opened yesterday, and don't know why I never got there)? Will be to it shortly.

    Punk had been sound asleep on the floor, and those fowls were a good 40 yards away from the house when I spotted them- Maybe they'd been closer when she'd first heard them...

    My mom was like your grandfather- She could grow anything too. Also, when I had killed my houseplants she would bring them here and they would come back to life. Methinks she must have been a witch, and did her special incantations over them- hehehe

    House hunting-
    I am looking to buy a duplex.
    Casey needs to be within reservation boundaries for all of her insurances and referrals through the tribe to be covered. And Lord knows living there would benefit me too. (With respect to any referrals and insurances).

    I think Atlanta went into overtime, 5th quarter, (whichever you prefer), but I don't know if they won or lost-

    Doesn't matter where I would live either. I will always be a Packers fan(atic). hehehe


  22. Oh Sweetie, every time I see those turkeys, even if they are way abck by the woods, my mouth starts watering! hehehe

    I like my little dog too! She is wonderful! And she writes her own little blogs every now and then. (Go to my top page and click on "writtenbypunk" tag) hehehe Fun!




  23. Yes, I would sell the farm.
    Living in town or on the reservation would $ave us much on our ga$ expense also.
    Besides, what do I need a four bedroom home for?

    Casey and Greg would be on one side, I would be on the other...


  24. wowee sell the farm.. I see all the pro's for such a move, I do.........but sell the farm.....lmao I love your farm and I dont even live on it!!!

  25. I know Sweet Pamela;
    It's tough, -but it's time too.
    I have been kicking this idea around for a long time. And now it's time to go.
    I will always love my little Flintville farm though.


  26. I can't remember what I ate for lunch yesterday so it must not have been memorable......

    YOU nanowrimo it this year.....


  27. Sorry kiddo.
    You need 50,000 words.
    I don't even know that many.



  28. Too bad Pea
    You should have been HERE!


  29. Sorry kiddo.
    No way. No how.

    You need to write 50,000 words.
    I don't even know that many!

  30. You know that it not even that many blogs? This blog for instance has 586 words.....

    and it is not even wordy for you.

    That said, what's for lunch? I feel like heck today.

  31. Such a long bl;og and you keep adding to it :D I'll have to come back after my nap and re-read it all again

  32. That will be awesome and I think will work out really well for you and Casey! Good Luck with it all!

  33. Anna I'm in the mood for learning :-)

    What's Punks name on TV for Anna ?
    Why do you piece Cantaloupe for does it help in some way?
    Visiting duplexes! so you plan on a move hey,
    I must read the other comments prior to typing out a question, oh well to late to delete it now :-)
    The plants being harvested look so healthy and crisp I must say. Julie likes to eat Turkey herself but it makes me weary and I feel that it is a little too dry for me, I don't know if any one else feels this way,
    However Anna I do love venison Yum Yum
    As for that flower in the photo; is it going to stop growing or did Jack plant that ?
    See where the Grey hound is in the pond Anna what we would do is put in Fresh Water Yabbies ( Prawns, Shrimp ) and get them when we needed any for dinner
