Just a few grins, giggles and smiles...
The Pharmacist's Monday Morning
Upon arriving home, a husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. Tearfully she explained,
"It's the druggist. He insulted me terribly this morning on the phone. I had to call multiple times
before he would even answer the phone." Immediately, the husband drove downtown to confront
the druggist and demand an apology.
Before he could say more than a word or two, the druggist told him,
"Now, just a minute, listen to my side of it. This morning the alarm
Failed to go off, so I was late getting up. I went without breakfast and
Hurried out to the car, just to realize that I'd locked the house with both
House and car keys inside and had to break a window to get my keys.
"Then, driving a little too fast, I got a speeding ticket. Later, when I was
About three blocks from the store, I had a flat tire."
"When I finally got to the store a bunch of people were waiting for me
To open up. I got the store opened and started waiting on these people, all the time
The darn phone was ringing off the hook."
He continued, "Then I had to break a roll of nickels against the cash
Register drawer to make change, and they spilled all over the floor.
I had to get down on my hands and knees to pick up the nickels and
The phone was still ringing.
When I came up I cracked my head on the open cash drawer, which made
Me stagger back against a showcase with a bunch of perfume bottles on it.
Half of them hit the floor and broke."
"Meanwhile, the phone is still ringing with no let up, and I finally got
Back to answer it. It was your wife. She wanted to know how to use a
Rectal thermometer.
And believe me mister, as God is my witness, all I did was tell her."
Norwegian Diet -
Ole was turning 88 and was overweight, so his doctor put him on a diet.
Doc said: "I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks.
The next time I see you, you should have lost at least 5 pounds."
When Ole returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost nearly 60 lbs.
"Why, that's amazing!" the doctor said, "Did you follow my instructions?"
Ole nodded and replied..."I'll tell you though, by God, I thought I wuz gonna drop dead on dat 3rd day.
"From the hunger, you mean?" asked the doctor.
Ole replied, "Oh, Hell no, it wuz from all dat damn skippin"
One day while he was at the track playing the ponies and all but losing
his shirt, Mitch noticed a priest who stepped out onto the track and
blessed the forehead of one of the horses lining up for the 4th race.
Lo and behold, that horse - a very long shot - won the race..
Before the next race, as the horses began lining up, Mitch watched with
interest the old priest step onto the track. Sure enough, as the 5th
race horses came to the starting gate the priest made a blessing on the
forehead of one of the horses.
Mitch made a beeline for a betting window and placed a small bet on the
horse. Again, even though it was another long shot, the horse the
priest had blessed won the race.
Mitch collected his winnings, and anxiously waited to see which horse
the priest would bless for the 6th race. The priest again blessed a
Mitch bet big on it, and it won. Mitch was elated.. As the races
continued the priest kept blessing long shot horses, and each one ended
up coming in first.
By and by, Mitch was pulling in some serious money. By the last race,
he knew his wildest dreams were going to come true. He made a quick
dash to the ATM, withdrew all his savings, and awaited the priest's
blessing that would tell him which horse to bet on.
True to his pattern, the priest stepped onto the track for the last
race and blessed the forehead of an old nag that was the longest shot
of the day. Mitch also observed the priest blessing the eyes, ears, and
hooves of the old nag.
Mitch knew he had a winner and bet every cent he owned on the old nag.
He then watched dumbfounded as the old nag come in dead last. Mitch, in
a state of shock, made his way down to the track area where the priest
Confronting the old priest he demanded, 'Father! What happened?
All day long you blessed horses and they all won. Then in the last
race, the horse you blessed lost by a Kentucky mile. Now, thanks to you
I've lost every cent of my savings -- all of it!'.
The priest nodded wisely and with sympathy.
'Son,' he said, 'that's the problem with you Protestants, you can't
tell the difference between a simple blessing and last rites.'
False Alarms and Ghosts
An extremely modest man was in the hospital for a series of tests, the last of which had left his bodily systems extremely upset.
Upon making several false alarm trips to the bathroom, he decided the latest episode was another and stayed put.
He suddenly filled his bed with diarrhea and was embarrassed beyond his ability to remain rational.
In a complete loss of composure he jumped out of bed, gathered up the bed sheets, and threw them out the hospital window.
A drunk was walking by the hospital when the sheets landed on him.
He started yelling, cursing, and swinging his arms violently trying to get the unknown things off, and ended up with the soiled
sheets in a tangled pile at his feet.
As the drunk stood there, unsteady on his feet, staring down at the sheets, a hospital security guard, (barely containing his laughter), and who had watched the whole incident, walked up and asked, "What the heck is going on here?"
The drunk, still staring down replied: "I think I just beat the $hit out of a ghost."
I do love funny emails!
Test Your News IQ Q1 - Pew Research Center
Cool quiz here- Everyone should take this one.
"Here's Your Score:"
"You correctly answered 11 out of the 11 possible questions, which means you did better on the quiz than 95% of the general public."
My results are not truly accurate, as there was one I guessed at.
Your results page will also show you in what area John/Jane Q Public are informed- and worse, where they are lacking some pretty basic knowledge.
(Thank you Aunt Marlene for emailing me this. I have happily passed it on)!
More Favre-
From my email...
Get over yourselves, these are great-
On a personal level I could care less; save for where his wife and daughters are concerned-
When they are brought into this equation, this becomes very sick, very fast.
From here: "Clearly Favre is not going to leave the game gracefully and with fans feeling good about him. Maybe he has nothing else going for him in life except the lucky ability to play pro football? You can see how that could be scary."
Re: Jan Sterger
"The former Jet sideline hostess shot to fame in August when she accused Favre of propositioning her.
Sterger said Favre sent her lewd photos and inappropriate text messages when he quarterbacked the Jets in 2008.
Read more here.
Though I still haven't seen the broken ankle spoofs and cartoons, I did read this here:
“I'm not going to rule him out. If he's out, somebody has to step up. But unless they cut his leg off, it's going to be hard to keep him off the field."
- Vikings defensive tackle Kevin Williams on QB Brett Favre potentially not playing Sunday.
For those of you who do not follow football or the latest gossip, I found this article.
NFL Rakes in Money While Sitting on Favre Issue...
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
New York -
Roger Goodell, who was busy counting his money, said that he was happy he sat on the Favre issue until after the Vikings played the Packers because of how much money
Whether or not he actually cheated on Ms Deanna remains to be told. From the NFL comes this article: "Amid accusations, Deanna Favre relies on faith, outward focus"
I might easily add that Green Bay has the BEST fans in the entire NFL!
From deadspin.com comes this quote: "One thing that is notable is this: it turns out that Brett watched last year's Super Bowl at home in Mississippi. He didn't watch it alone, however.
According to one source, he watched the Saints miraculously defeat the Colts in the company of one special guest: Tiger Woods.
I wonder what those guys talked about?"
I wonder too...
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
I am not posting this because I think Favre may have behaved despicably both in his private life- and in his football career.
I am posting it because it is too funny NOT to.
Outage Map (WPS in NE Wisconsin) Storm Safety
Current Electric Outages (Wisconsin Public Service)
Just a link for those of us who are watching how warm our neighbors are, so that maybe we can help?
The link will bring up a map- Please check on your neighbors and loved ones.
Storm Safety
* Outages and Service Problems
Severe weather can strike quickly, creating a variety of dangerous situations. Use the following information to keep your family safe during and after a storm.
Preparing for a Storm
* Keep a portable radio or TV handy to hear local weather forecasts and other important news bulletins for your area.
* Have a plan to move yourself and your family — especially those with special needs — to another location in case you experience an extended power outage or must evacuate.
* Keep an adequate supply of water and non-perishable food items on hand.
* Ensure first aid supplies and medicines are readily available.
* Make sure flashlights are working and readily available. Always keep a supply of extra batteries on hand.
* Have at least one traditional analog phone in your home that does not require electricity to operate. Cordless phones and phones with built-in answering machines will not operate during a power outage.
* Consider the need for specialty items, such as prescription medication, baby food, warm clothing and a safe alternate heat source.
* If you have an emergency heat or power source, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions so you know how to use it properly.
During a Storm
* Monitor TV and radio for important weather updates and news bulletins.
* If you experience a power outage, call WPS at 800-450-7240.
* If you anticipate an extended outage, consider moving yourself and your family — especially those with special needs — to an alternate location.
* Check on others who may benefit from your assistance.
* Consider all downed power lines and anything touching them energized and DANGEROUS! Stay away from them and report the problem to WPS.
* Don't open freezers and refrigerators more than absolutely necessary. Opening these appliances will allow food to thaw more quickly.
* Turn off as many appliances, electronics and light switches as possible. This will reduce the potential for damage or fire. After the power is restored, wait 5 to 10 minutes before turning them back on.
After a Storm
* Don't try to cut or remove downed trees or branches unless you are absolutely certain power lines are not involved.
* Replenish your supplies of batteries, bottled water and non-perishable food items in preparation for future storms.
* Have a licensed electrician disconnect your generator unless the generator has an automatic disconnection device.
Downed Power Lines
* Stay away from downed or sagging power lines, and do not touch anything that is on or near them (i.e., trees or tree limbs, cars, ladders).
* Keep children and family pets away from areas where lines may have fallen (backyards, fields, school yards, etc.).
* If a power line falls across a car that you're in, stay in the car. If you MUST get out of the car due to a fire, or other immediate danger, jump clear of the car and land on both feet. Be sure that no part of your body is touching the car when your feet touch the ground.
* Report all power line hazards to WPS or your local emergency services agency.
Once again, I am fortunate.
image from tampaone.com
Good W~I~N~D~Y Afternoon;
Casey called before I left this morning to tell me she had rescheduled her Ferrlecit appointment for Thursday. She mentioned that after all this wait that 2 days would not make a difference. She did this for me, and if those 2 days do make a difference I won't be forgiving myself for not going into town.
It is nasty outside- With gusts over 50mph -to 64mph, we are under a 'warning' for these winds-
The barometric pressure has dropped to the 2nd lowest low for October, ever. So it was no great surprise to me when my vision started flashing this morning. I still have a bit of that headache even though I napped for a few hours when that happened.
Thus far this afternoon, my electricity has flickered about 3 times- Once, following a 'crack' I heard outside.
Almost afraid to look at any of my trees, I did go out to get my mail, (for the 1st time in a month or so)- hehehe
Greg and Casey fixed my mailbox this past Sunday, before that awesome Packers win over Minnesota!
The trees seemed OK yet; although there is one leaning precariously over the barn-grade that I hope will miss my power poles if it does go down.
Nor did I ever realize that the wires are very near to over my mailbox- Of course I didn't think I could scuttle so fast under the wires that feed from my poles to my house either.
That all said, I am seeing reports of significant damage on this side of Wisconsin.
Illinois and Missouri have winds at +70mph.
North Dakota is to be getting 8" of snow. A blizzard warning has been issued-
Our own wind and rain pale by comparison.
I can't recall if I posted any of this earlier and am not going to go in search of- I found it in my "unfinished blogs"-
(Usually I delete after I post them, but with me, hey ya never know). hehehe
Casey and I went to check out the new Festival Foods in Suamico a while back- Pretty decor they had-
Wonder if it will still be that pretty when this wind storm is over?
I did a bunch of cooking after getting plenty on $ale-
But in Fall one must keep everything covered while cooking/baking etc so one of these guys won't fall in.
I hate Japanese Beetles!!!
Are you hungry?
We got some good roast on sale- I cut it, using half for 2 stews- (one pkg frozen for later).
And then using all my $ale things for the roast too-
Now are you hungry? hehehe
When we had gone to Suamico we saw an awesome sunset-
Save for 2, these shots were taken a few miles apart-
A sunset that looks like fire over the bank! So beautiful!
Speaking of beauty, here are some real beauties!
I can't recall if I have posted this picture earlier or not either? Even if I did, it is so cute, it bears another peek... hehehe
Behold the beauty!!!
And praise for these gals at DHPI- (Our Miss KelliBaby being 2nd from right).
Their department, 'purchasing', won for breast cancer awareness month!
Congratulation Ladies!
I do not know what they won- Recognition would be enough!
I have now heard 3 separate sirens go screaming past. I hope everyone is safe and this is just power lines down somewhere.
News will be on soon-
That said, I'd better close this blog before I lose it to this "windpocalypse".
Hope everyone is safe, sound, and warm.
My love to all.
Back to Ferrlecit
Good Morning all;
This will be short- already the hail/sleet (whatever it is), is hitting the side of the house.
The winds are atrocious-
(Gee, I hope nothing hits me in the head). hehehe
Casey resumes her infusions today- And has been so very sick of late. Please just keep her in your thoughts and prayers-
Know too that I am saddened by the possibility of any American losing their newly acquired hope for HealthCare.
That the potential even exists is beyond compassionate thought! Please Click
Know that Republican vote, city hall to senator, will kill many people like my Casey.
Your conscience. Your choice.
Polling Places Removed From Native Reservation
Tribe deprived of rights
By Rob Capriccioso
If this doesn't scream discrimination, what does?
Special recognition and thanks to Tammi and Care2.
From here:
Tribal citizens are no stranger to having their rights trampled on. Now, members of the Spirit Lake Reservation say their right to vote is also being taken away – to the alarm of some state and federal policymakers.
The Benson County Board of Commissioners, which oversees the county that includes reservation lands, decided this election season to close three polling places in the tribe’s three-precinct vicinity.
Commissioners rationalized their decision, saying there is a high cost to operating the polling places, including training and paying staff.
In response, tribal leaders offered to provide funds to recruit and train workers, and said the county could use facilities that would be rent-free.
The commission refused the tribe’s offer, saying that costs would still be too high, and that mailed ballots would be cheaper.
Many tribal members would therefore have to travel longer distances to cast a vote in person, as only one polling location would be available in the county. Almost half of the total votes cast in the county in the 2008 presidential election were cast by Native American citizens.
In early October, the tribe filed suit against the board’s decision.
Benson County State Attorney Jim Wang said in a local radio interview that the lawsuit would have to be resolved within three weeks. At the time of his interview, Election Day was three weeks away.
“Whether this is intentional discrimination or not, the bottom line is that closing polling locations located within the Spirit Lake Nation will disenfranchise American Indian voters on the reservation, and this injustice cannot stand,” said Myra Pearson, Spirit Lake Nation chairperson.
Tribal officials have noted that the county has previously tried to hamper Indian voter participation, pointing to statistics from the 2000 election.
Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., had asked that the county keep the polls open, and he now feels disenfranchisement is possible.
As a result of his concern, Dorgan has asked U.S. Attorney Tim Purdon to review the decision. His office noted that all other Indian reservations in North Dakota will have polling locations during Election Day.
“I think this decision by Benson County officials will disenfranchise American Indians,” Dorgan said in a statement. “I want the U.S. attorney to review with the Justice Department the decision and determine whether there are actions that can be taken to compel the county to have a polling place on the reservation where people can cast their votes.
“In addition, there are other areas of the state where people will find fewer opportunities to cast their votes with fewer polling places. I believe the state should reverse course on these election law changes and find ways to make it easier to vote rather than harder to vote.”
Some state officials are also concerned, with the chairman of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party urging the Benson County Commission to open an Election Day polling place in Fort Totten, N.D., to make voting easier for residents of the Spirit Lake Reservation.
Also from Care2 website comes this story-
Link http://www.care2.com/causes/civil-rights/blog/polling-places-removed-from-native-reservation/
Residents of Spirit Lake Reservation in North Dakota are protesting the county's decision to remove three polling places from the tribe's three precinct vicinity.
The Benson County Board of Commissioners cited the high costs of running the polls and training staff as reasons for their decision. Spirit Lake leaders offered to front the costs for recruiting and training poll workers as well as provide rent-free facilities, but the board declined, saying the costs would still be too high and that mail-in ballots are cheaper.
In a county where Natives account for 50 percent of all voters, this move will most certainly disenfranchise them. With only one poll location in the entire county, they will have to travel further and have a longer waiting time to cast their vote. While mail-in ballots may be cheaper, every voter should have the same methods available to cast their vote as every other voter in the U.S.
The tribe filed a lawsuit against the board earlier this month, but the judicial system will have to act quickly considering Election Day is near.
Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) has publicly condemned the Benson County Board's decision, commenting, "I want the U.S. attorney to review with the Justice Department the decision and determine whether there are actions that can be taken to compel the county to have a polling place on the reservation where people can cast their votes...I believe the state should reverse course on these election law changes and find ways to make it easier to vote rather than harder to vote.”
Are you angered and sad yet? If not, what's it going to take?
Is this a pathetic attempt to rig the election?
How about a deep criminal investigation into this, and other antics of the Benson County Board? (Why would it not surprise me to see a very high percentage of Republican, white men on that board)?
This screams to get the attention of The BIA, and The White House.
Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day | OurFuture.org
Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day
Links are all clickable-
There are a number things the public "knows" as we head into the election that are just false.
If people elect leaders based on false information, the things those leaders do in office will not be what the public expects or needs.
Here are eight of the biggest myths that are out there:
1) President Obama tripled the deficit.
Reality: Bush's last budget had a $1.416 trillion deficit. Obama's first budget reduced that to $1.29 trillion.
2) President Obama raised taxes, which hurt the economy.
Reality: Obama cut taxes.
40% of the "stimulus" was wasted on tax cuts which only create debt, which is why it was so much less effective than it could have been.
3) President Obama bailed out the banks.
Reality: While many people conflate the "stimulus" with the bank bailouts, the bank bailouts were requested by President Bush and his Treasury Secretary, former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson.
(Paulson also wanted the bailouts to be "non-reviewable by any court or any agency.")
* The bailouts passed and began before the 2008 election of President Obama.
4) The stimulus didn't work.
Reality: The stimulus worked, but was not enough.
In fact, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the stimulus raised employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million jobs.
5) Businesses will hire if they get tax cuts.
Reality: A business hires the right number of employees to meet demand.
Having extra cash does not cause a business to hire, but a business that has a demand for what it does will find the money to hire.
Businesses want customers, not tax cuts.
6) Health care reform costs $1 trillion.
Reality: The health care reform reduces government deficits by $138 billion.
7) Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, is "going broke," people live longer, fewer workers per retiree, etc.
Reality: Social Security has run a surplus since it began, has a trust fund in the trillions, is completely sound for at least 25 more years and cannot legally borrow so cannot contribute to the deficit (compare that to the military budget)!
Life expectancy is only longer because fewer babies die; people who reach 65 live about the same number of years as they used to.
8) Government spending takes money out of the economy.
Reality: Government is We, the People and the money it spends is on We, the People.
Many people do not know that it is government that builds the roads, airports, ports, courts, schools and other things that are the soil in which business thrives.
Many people think that all government spending is on "welfare" and "foreign aid" when that is only a small part of the government's budget.
This stuff really matters.
If the public votes in a new Congress because a majority of voters think this one tripled the deficit, and as a result the new people follow the policies that actually tripled the deficit, the country could go broke.
If the public votes in a new Congress that rejects the idea of helping to create demand in the economy because they think it didn't work, then the new Congress could do things that cause a depression.
If the public votes in a new Congress because they think the health care reform will increase the deficit when it is actually projected to reduce the deficit, then the new Congress could repeal health care reform and thereby make the deficit worse.
... And on it goes.
Mr. Johnson has done his homework!
Astra has done his, where I borrowed the link from. (Thank You, Will).
Please vote!
And VOTE in a careful, responsible, and educated, manner.
In other words, please VOTE WISELY!
Fox News Viewership Plunges 21% While MSNBC Grows
Quoted from article:
"The shrinkage of the Fox News viewership mirrors the shrinking of the Republican Party."
Modern Day "Shrinky Dinks" ?
One could surmise that many people are slowly but surely admitting that they don't like to be (accurately) called stupid for believing the lies.
Please click the above link for more!
Link stolen from SpaceStevie. Thanks Stevie!
Seeing Nothing- In the Dark-
The only light in my life-
After around 4:45 this morning...
Good Evening All;
I was up around 2:30 today- Unable to sleep, I came on here. I had many windows on the computer open- many tabs too, and was happily reading the news, and a few blogs-
I was so 'into' what I was reading too. Just one of those days.
Miss Punk lay asleep on the floor by me.
Of a sudden the power went out- Punk growled, not loud- Just enough to let me know she was up -and "something" had happened.
(It had. The power had flashed).
Came on.
Then flashed a few more times- (for good measure); finally deciding to come on, and remain on.
I looked from window to window, in case something had happened near here. Nothing.
So I fired the computer back on. And came back online. By now, everyone in the world must know I have dialup. And since I'd had all those pages up and running, I knew it would take til Tuesday to reload these so I began the new session option.
Deciding to blog, I went to Flickr and opened up my pictures, clicking on the ones I'd wanted to share with you.
Since this takes a while, and since it was 5AM, I thought to feed these beasties of mine their breakfast. (Especially after Punk had growled a second time, a bit more, and even added 2 warning "bruuf"'s -as she was trying to watch the bunny wabbits on the front lawn).
They got their food and water- And by the time I had run my dishwater and come back here, all of the pics were loaded! (YAY)!
As I went to click on the last html in the pics, the power went out.
And stayed off.
After a moment or two of wait, I went in search of a few matches to light my candles. (A "few", heck, the piano and the book cupboard looked like mini~altars)! hehehe
Thinking of Kelli, I rechecked the windows for any smoke that could have been billowing down the road. Nothing.
...Or across the ravines to the south in the woods- Nothing.
So to settle in until I was restored.
Those many candles offered much soft light- And enjoying the quiet, I cut many pieces for my quilts- (A wee bit smug too that I had thought to turn the heat on back at 2:30 when I'd gotten up too; usually I wait)...
Peeking out the window a while later, I could see a bit of light to the east- A few headlights heading east had illuminated a portable "road closed" sign.
I got dressed, and brushed my hair -and little toofers. Loading dog, and camera, into car.
Pushing the garage door button--- nothing happens. A llittle voice on my left shoulder exclaims, "No shit Sherlock, you don't have power."
Duh... hehehe
A bit more light on the horizon as we pull out of the driveway...
I have added "light" to these pics- so you can see what I saw...
Sure enough- "Road closed!" So this is what Punk had growled at then...
I really DO have to pay more attention to her, even when I am 'into' something else.
Moseying down to Flintville, I pull over as I see the squad car right in front of Kelli and Tims!
(I further remember that the bedroom phone, corded, had probably been unplugged when Casey had slept up there yesterday).
A sickening feeling, that...
That is NOT good...
I park the car, leave the dog- and realize I have forgotten my darn cane at home. Too bad-
... I now absolutely need to know if Kelli is OK-
I walk-
Hmmm "Accident ahead" ~Ya think?!
The driver had hit the power pole, leaving some wires snapped- and other barely making the connection. (That is what made it flash and flicker here).
After a few minutes, the transformer had blown.
It was that explosion that had killed any remaining hope of power that we might have had.
Already the tow truck was there-
I quickly asked Deputy Meissner if Kelli and Tim were ok?
He assured me they were, and asked if I would have one of them come out so he could speak with them.
Kelli had already repaired most of the fence that the horses had taken out as the transformer had exploded, scaring the beejeezus out of them...
Slowly but surely they calmed down-
Alfalfa has such a good and calming effect-
Kelli and Deputy Meissner- As he explained that although the rest of us would be restored, they would be without power for the better part of today. (This since the pole had to be replaced).
Kelli's reply? "The PACKER Game is on tomorrow, and I better have it restored by then!"
Yes, she was serious.
Dan Drewery and Deputy M.
Dan, and my old boss Judy Wouters, have been together forever-
Dan works for the county highway department, and responds to any accident that involves closing the road, no matter the time, the weather, or the location in the county.
Everyone so very busy-
Kelli even had to run to Suamico to get her coffee! hehehe
Slowly but surely to have the broken wires brought back together... (This was just a bandaid so the rest of us could have power).
A rude awakening for more than the horses...
After waking around 3 himself, Tim had fallen back to sleep on the couch- Soon as the accident happened, he was wide awake-
As was Kelli-
As was Tim's mom (Mary) in the other half of the duplex.
She said she heard the 'thunder', knowing it was supposed to rain, but thought it the strangest thunder too. (Add to that, the fact that it wasn't even raining yet)-
Soon had come a knock at the door- The lady who had been driving was very shaken up- Yes she had walked away without a scratch! These Buicks are solid. Hers had given its life to save hers- (Not to mention the deers life that she had swerved to miss). There goes the insurance claim... sad that-
As I knew all was well, I left Kelli with an invitation to come get water for the horses- (I have water whether I have power or not).
Punk and I headed back here.
Pulling back in the garage, it was just beginning to rain- About 43° - - It is a cold and chilling dampness.
But the workers were already in the fields- Still harvesting those many wagonloads of cabbage!
Happy to see that-
Cold or not, freakin' hot or not, they are there, working hard.
Punk went potty, and we headed in the house-
Barely the door closed and the power came back on-
Back to the real world then. And to my little quilting squares.
As I type it is still raining-
Good. We have been very dry this whole month, and quite behind with the precipitation-
(As long as it stays rain, I won't complain)! hehehe
Hope you are having a great weekend-
My love to all.
A major problem with a blown transformer is collateral damage.
Any power lines previously connected to the transformer are now live,exposed wires that could still be carrying thousands of volts.
During a storm, these wires could cause major arcing and electrical shock should they be submerged in large puddles of water.
Electrical arcs from blown transformers could also potentially set telephone poles and nearby trees on fire, especially during dry seasons.
Read more: What Happens When a Transformer Blows? | eHow.com
The above included, just to show you how very lucky everyone was this morning!
Chilled. Damp. And inconvenienced.
But oh, so very lucky!
Thank You Mr Whatzit (and Will I Am).
Yes We Can
That declared the destiny of a nation, yes we can
It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists
As they blazed a trail toward freedom, yes we can
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out
From distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward
Against an unforgiving wilderness, yes we can
It was the call of workers who organized
Women who reached for the ballots
A President who chose the moon as our new frontier
And a King who took us to the mountaintop
And pointed the way to the Promised Land
Yes we can to justice and equality
Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity
Yes we can heal this nation
Yes we can repair this world
Yes we can
We know the battle ahead will be long
But always remember that no matter
What obstacles stand in our way
Nothing can stand in the way of the power
Of millions of voices calling for change
(We want change)
We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics
They will only grow louder and more dissonant
We've been asked to pause for a reality check
We've been warned against offering
The people of this nation false hope
But in the unlikely story that is America
There has never been anything false about hope
Now the hopes of the little girl who goes
To a crumbling school in Dillon are the same
As the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA
We will remember that there is something happening in America
That we are not as divided as our politics suggests
That we are one people, we are one nation
And together, we will begin the next great chapter
In the American story with three words that will ring
From coast to coast, from sea to shining sea, yes we can
Songwriters: Adams, William -James; Favreau, -Jon; Jones, Malik Yusef; -Obama, Barack; -Pajon, George Jr;
Featuring: John Legend Lyrics, Scarlett Johansson Lyrics, Kate Walsh Lyrics
"Notice how paragraph six states the current -
"We have been told that we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics. They will only grow louder and dissonant."
How true.
The voices of the fearful and uneducated have gotten louder and more hateful.
We will overcome the obstacles of change. We will look forward to a brighter tomorrow. We will slowly weed out all the racists, cold hearts, and simple minds.
Read more comments here
Good Afternoon!
In reference to a recent blog, (here), our friend Mr Whatzit had a remarkable reply for us all.
"For the most part I think the comment in quotes at the top is correct.
There was plenty of closet racism left in this country before the election of a partly Black President. The fact that he's now running the country (and seems eminently capable of doing so, despite being handed the largest mess ever handed to a new President) has simply brought the screams of the warped, racist and under-educated to the surface. (Along with the dissenting opinions of a number of apparently sane, level-headed people, which I don't quite understand.)
The other major factor which can't go unmentioned is the fact that 90% of political talk media outlets in this country play to the fears of older Americans and undereducated ones. The signals of but a very few liberal, progressive radio stations can actually reach beyond large urban areas. And people getting the one-sided viewpoints (i.e. - lies, distortions and hate speech) as spewed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh tend to believe them for reasons unfathomable to me.
Then there's Fox "News", which is the modern day American version of Pravda.
One can't reasonably label everyone who believes what they hear from Fox or Limbaugh as racists. They're simply less than fully informed and are being unwittingly played by the equivalent of the Public Relations departments of greed-based, corporate America."
I could not agree more!
What say you?
Where I Have Been-
Good Morning Everyone;
"Oh, my dear Annie, I haven't seen any alerts from you for a very long time."
A nice little quote to quietly remind me that it is high time I wrote a little something-
I have been 'around'- reading a bit, commenting a bit, etc-
The fact of the matter is that last week I was sick- When it continued over the weekend, on Monday Casey actually made me an appointment to see my doctor.
I am OK- Just left feeling much like I was hit by a bus- Tired, and tired. (Did I mention how tired I am)?! hehehe
Yet, this tiredness I can explain- kind of.
When I get sick(ish), I stop taking a lot of my pills- When I get a migraine, I take nothing, except for the migraine meds. Sometimes those work, sometimes not- (Suffice to say they weren't working much, if at all).
At any rate, I was not taking my Synthroid. I have restarted that med- It will take a day or two for my energy to come back to near 100%, maybe a little longer.
Add to my own garbage the fact that Casey has been real sick... She did receive word from Minnesota, the hematologist, regarding all the bloodwork she'd had done there. The brunt of her results remain so very "off"- After a quick call to Minnesota, we wait to hear back.
We have been 'on' Lori at the clinic here to get Casey's Ferrlecit transfusions going once again. This lady just doesn't 'get it'- (Keeping in mind that this is the same gal who told Casey prior to her TP/AIT that Casey would be using up their entire budget if she had that transplant). Click for that story.
Oh that woman is so prone to 'attitude'-
While that orientation or disposition is acceptable to almost any other situation, I do not see it to be even remotely ethical when one is a health care professional!
Yes, Denise, my formal complaint will be written this weekend.
To have to call -and call -and call to be treated for what is a serious condition is ridiculous. To have Lori pass the buck toward Casey's doctor is just wrong.
After a call from Mr. Nick at the clinic, Casey's Ferrlecit treatments will resume next Tuesday.
I am going to stop writing for now.
Now that you know where I have been, where are YOU? hehehe
I will possibly write more later. If I don't, please have yourself a 'wunnaful' weekend!
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world?
My love to all.