[My] Life in Wisconsin

"Listen to the Rhythm of The Falling Rain"

Gee, ya think my drainfield is open?!?
(Always nice to see this)!

Good Morning All; 
It began raining a beautiful, slow rain about 2 and a half hours ago- 
Just enough to soak now and to make music on the roof- (So happy I have a metal roof)! 
I would go back to bed, and simply listen until I fell back to sleep but I will be going with Casey, early, to her doctor appointment. Her doctors are thinking of getting an insulin pump for her... And I surely do not know enough about this, so I cannot miss the appointment.

I too have an appointment later on. Which means it will be a big "gas" day. That makes me mad with the gas prices as they are. (Well, that and I don't like doing all the damned running around). hehehe

My appointment is with my pain doctor. 
Remember when I had written a letter to my doctor after having had a new doctor come in and try to change my meds?
I received a letter back from my doctor- A very NICE letter too. 
In it he stated that I am to see him, or another NP for my visits.  ("YAY")!

That all said, I will be keeping this one short for now.

Love to all; and may your day be as 'wunnaful' as the rain on my roof...



  1. Happy weekend Anne...I am off to my doctor too later this afternoon...hugs

  2. Rainin' here too, in the Windy City...
    Have a happy time with Casey at the dr's office! :-) (Might as well try anyhow, what is there to lose?)
