Hope all is well with everyone who is still left around Multiply.
I am still setting up my other sites, so bear with me as I still blog over here.
Has everyone figured out where they will be in another month?
As for me, I am just hoping to still be alive. hehehe
Just kidding, although I did have surgery this past week... Outpatient- and never left the hospital until 10pm.
As for me, I am just hoping to still be alive. hehehe
Just kidding, although I did have surgery this past week... Outpatient- and never left the hospital until 10pm.
Long wait. Longer day.
But the anesthesiologist was a nice doctor; concerned enough even for my anxiety levels, an attack that was bound to happen if they left me sit in that cold dark room for any longer, just w~a~i~t~i~n~g...
That Casey waited with me made it very bearable, (and even halfway enjoyable).
At any rate, my teeth are gone! YAY! I have been bucking for this for a very long time; the thought of never having an abscess or another toothache ever again being very attractive to me.
Besides if Casey can do it, then so can I.
As you might know, my own problems arose in that I had received Reclast for my severe osteoporosis.
Reclast is a form of drug called a bisphosphonate.
With that drug classification comes the side effect of ONJ- (Osteo-Necrosis of the Jaw). Or, more accurately in my case, BrONJ (as Bisphosphonate-related).
My own clinic wouldn't even look in my mouth; let alone even do what was necessary to just circumvent my constant tooth pain. They sent me a 7-page list of dental surgeons who would be able to help. Since I do not live on the reservation, I would have to pay 100% of any/all referrals. Grrr... Some of those surgeons were in Madison, some clear across the damned state.
You that know me, also know that there is NO Freakin' WAY I can travel those distances. I couldn't even go to Uncle Chum's funeral!
To add insult to injury, I called to Sault Ste Marie. My own Tribe wouldn't even help me! That truly, and absolutely, angers me!
This refusal, even after explaining that I have 27 fractures- & those are in my spine alone- all at various stages of healing- that there was no possible way for me to travel all the way up there- The gal that answered the phone was a very snippy and impertinent um, er, 'thing'.
Mad I am about that too- To be treated as garbage by my own Tribe!
I had asked her then for some other phone numbers. Our chairman for one- She flippantly told me I could make any number of calls I wanted, that the answer would just remain the same.
Blah Blah Blah...
Blah Blah Blah...
I gave up- And moved on to begging people that I know love me.
Oh well- As long as the end always justifies the means, all should be ok.
Wait though- It ISN'T ok. Not by a long stretch. That was an awful experience in/of itself, and will stay with me for a very long time.
If tribes want to be treated with all this kindness then I think they should start with treating their own that way first. And it's not like I haven't been looking for a damned house on the rez. (Yup, still mad I am). And I've always been so proud of my heritage, and my tribe...
Anyway, back to Wednesday. After that last anti-anxiety hypo (I do not remember how many times he came in), I remember virtually nothing; save for being told in the OR that I needed to wiggle on over to the other table. That process alone, with respect to my back, may have taken a little while, but I wiggled anyway.
I then remember, vaguely, seeing the surgeon before I was sent off to la~la~land.
I hear that he had some problems with one or two teeth; they didn't want to relinquish their hold within my face- But the next thing I remember is being in 'recovery'. And much like my complete hysterectomy in 2000, my pain was gone! But do not misunderstand, the surgeon had 'froze' my mouth up so much that I couldn't even feel a 6" square of my face- that of the surroundings of my mouth and nose.
Tooooooo weird that was! I hated that feeling.
From that point onward, we were back home within 2 hours- I'd (of course) gotten an awful migraine from the lack of caffeine- Casey had run down to the car to fetch those pills for me- As I took them I remember thinking, "OMG, please don't let me drool all over". I didn't. Not even a drip! But heck, how could I have? My mouth was stuffed full of gauze for cryin' out loud! hehehe
I have had minimal pain- more accurately just a 'sore' feeling in my mouth; my back is always worse, unless/until I get a migraine.
Afterward, my surgeon had told Casey that if I had lived through those fractures that I probably wouldn't be bothered overmuch by my mouth. So right he was! This is a breeze! I do take my meds though; just to remain on the painless side.
Now to wait for new teeth... Tick-tock... Tick-tock... Tick-tock... Tick-tock.
I should be able to enjoy Thanksgiving, pies and all! Whoo~Hoo! That is, *if* the tribe will cover the new teeth!? They'd better! But watch, I'll probably have to borrow even more $$$ to get the special [padded] dentures needed because of my exposure to Reclast.
Too bad stem cells haven't progressed to the point that I can regrow my own teeth- I have every faith that in our kids lifetime that WILL be possible, just not in my own. But that's OK too. Much better for all my babies and grandbabies that way.
The surgeon also said from this point forward I can never even have an injury to my gums anymore. It could too easily set off an infection that would exacerbate the damage done by the BrONJ. No poppy seeds. No sesame seeds, etc. Casey told me just never to take them out except for when I clean them. Do dentures need to be brushed 3x day? Hmmm... ? Probably.
Now the only thing I have to worry over (for 3+ years) is the progression of my BrONJ. (Bisphosphonate-related OsteoNecrosis of the Jaw, aka "Jaw Death"). The bisphosphonate responsible is the fookin' Reclast I received to treat my Osteo.
I cannot emphasize enough to everyone NOT to ever take any chemicals for Osteoporosis. All this BS, and worry, (from my kidneys to my GERD, to my teeth, to my ulcer, to my BrONJ, to prematurely bringing on my COPD) is hardly worth any potential value- (if there is indeed any good [click there] to come of taking the treatments). Especially knowing what I know now...
These drugs, (bisphosphonates) do more damage than they are suspect of curing/treating. Notice I did not say 'proven to be'. Just like any chemotherapy, Reclast, and all chemical osteoporosis treatments will remain in your body, effing things up, for 30+ years.
I was one of the "lucky"
ones that it set off so much more garbage in my body. Even so, I remain luckier than some who have died terribly painful deaths as their bodies stopped working, one organ at a time. <--And that, within a few months of receiving their treatments. My heart goes out to their families.
My own thoughts are that bisphosphonate treatments are government accepted, and legal, forms of warfare and torture to the patients.
The surgeon also asked if I had received Reclast by mouth or by IV. I had an infusion, so an IV. He said that with the bisphosphonate IV, there is a 10,000-fold increase of the possibility of ONJ, of losing half your jaw.
Though frightening in its entirety, I am looking forward to being able to go out in public, and smile, and talk again.
Not that a broken tooth could stop me, (but...)- hehehe
Not that a broken tooth could stop me, (but...)- hehehe
Let's see- What else has gone on in my vacation from blogging?
My cousin Buttercup visited Green Bay last weekend- A seminar at Oneida- and right in Casey's backyard! Well ok, it was across the parking lot... I couldn't take pictures past the one at the top here. Tiffany sat in the front seat, and Casey in the back. Unwilling to be left out, Punk planted her backside right next to Casey- Not a funny story unless you know that I had removed one of the back seats so Punk can still get in/out when her back is bothering her...

Good thing that Casey has a skinny backside or that would never have worked! hehehe
Good thing that Casey has a skinny backside or that would never have worked! hehehe
Randy finally retired about 3 weeks ago! Say YAY! Much less worry this way.
Casey is doing alright, save for the near constant pain on her insides. Greg will be bringing her in tomorrow morning for another shot to her inside scar tissue.
I still can't remember what these shots are called- a type of "nerve block" that goes near to her liver.
Next to Casey and Greg, Punk remains such godsend in my life-
She takes care of me, and all for 2 measly meals every day plus a few leftovers. (Gee, remember when that was enough for people too)?
Sputty has his nose all flared up again, he sneezes (GROSS!) and then hightails it out of whatever room I am in. hehehe 
Funny to watch sometimes- I swear he even tries to cover his mouth and nose; but so nice that he knows not to sneeze on/around my furniture!
The problem I had with my friend in my last blog is ongoing. Not a feud, mind you, just that nothing has been settled or fixed. I thought by now this person would be over the humiliation they put themselves through.
Sadly, I thought wrong. (I really do hate it when I'm wrong). 
Fall is here, and without my camera our beautiful 2012 foliage must just remain in my memory, unshared with you. Most of the leaves are off the trees now, save for the oak trees- and they are such a deep mahogany- Nice to see that against a near-barren forest.
I have fresh chicken soup simmering on the stove- With my handy-dandy mini~chopper nearby. I'll only chop up my own servings as I don't think anyone else would care for baby food soup at this point. To remark that I am half-starved is not an exaggeration- merely the truth. One can only live on applesauce and pudding for so long. My tummy hasn't even growled yet- Perhaps it is in shock! hehehe Even freezing the puddings, assorted though they are, doesn't fool my tummy for long.
I'd best close and go dump a few more veggies in my soup- There can never be enough of those in soup. But no potatoes as the bin is empty. No problem there, I just throw in extra chicken and a few more egg noodles!
Kelly brought over some squash the other night- She'd fed the dog while I was up at the hospital. I will be cooking that up too. Add salt, pepper, and a spoon- or 3- of brown sugar.
I do hope all is well with everyone? And that you are well and enjoying the changes of the season.
♥ Love to all ♥
Glad they came out easier than they came in......
oh boy
ReplyDeleteI remember getting the 12 of mine out that were decayed and broken(all because a the Dentist was an ass and wouldn't pull them..he wanted to do root canals...and make more $$$$$$$$..)pulled. Of course I'd probably still have them if it weren't for a tootise roll pop ...lol and the tooth I cracked the night Drew got his foot caught under the neighbors riding mower. Now my partial gave me back my smile.
ReplyDeleteI still have not decided where to go when they shut the lights off here. Not really anything here I don't have posted elsewhere so not worried about getting things moved...maybe I will.
I have entered that "funk" .
Time to get my behind up and decide what to make for our dinner. I made stuffed peppers for Bruce's "dinner" this morning.
I may just go get take out burgers!! lol
Dear Sweet Anne,
ReplyDeleteDamn the reclast but SO glad you got the teeth taken care of. A new set of choppers and you'll have your amazing smile back.
What's with the Nation not helping you?? That's just not right. I guess the house you and Casey were looking at fell through? Makes me mad for you for them to turn you away like you aren't a member.
So very glad Miss Casey and Miss Punk are doing a bit better. Wish, wish, wish, Casey's pain would back off. She deserves a break.
I love you Dear Sister.
Funny girl.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't remember them coming in. Do you think it was that traumatic? hehehe
ReplyDeletex 28.
I cannot imagine getting only half out- just because there was no way I wanted to go through with it twice.
ReplyDeleteKeeping in mind that the Reclast damage is irreversible. This surgeon had a choice, from me. Take them all; or leave them all and fix them.
I had gone to a different dental surgeon in Jan or Feb- He would only take 2 out at a time, and refused to do the knock-me-out variety. He kept yanking on one that was not frozen and damn near killed me doing so...
No, I did not go back to him.
I am very worried now just because I had this done in time for Thanksgiving and now have my doubts that this will be done in any timely fashion whatsoever. (More about that in Cille's reply.
Get RID of that funk! :-)
"Houses" my dear. We looked at a ton of them- The Oneida Indians beat me to every one of them, buying them quicker than I possibly could.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Tribe not taking care of me, just wait til you learn what I was told yesterday.
I called to schedule an appointment to set up[ getting my dentures...
The gal left me on hold for the longest time, then came back and said I couldn't even set up an appointment until after Christmas.
Oh, she says, I needed a "new" treatment plan. (Um, no I just want my fookin' dentures). <-- no I didn't say that. but I did ask her what kind of treatment would be necessary for someone who has no teeth???
She left me on hold again, THEN came back and said they (somehow, suddenly) needed a letter from the surgeon.
OK. I told her I would call them and make sure she got that.
Then she said that that wouldn't be good enough, that they have to contact them etc etc etc...
So you tell me, just what the fuck is going on, really.
I am so mad I could spit nails- (But for right now I can only spit sutures).
BTW, my dental surgeons office had NO freakin' idea what the hell she was talking about either.
But the wench at the Indians did tell me that there was no way I could get them until AFTER Christmas, and probably into January or February. "at the earliest"
ReplyDeleteI would guess yes.
Not sure where I am going to hang my hat permanently yet. Hopefully, we'll have the new site by that time. I'm at a few sites right now, but like myboomerplace the most so far. I will be here until the ship sinks and is no more.
ReplyDeleteGlad that you are getting some things straightened out. Although having to go through so much BS in order to get to that point. Why do some things have to be so complicated?
Thanks for the information on Casey.... Glad she is doing alright. Hugs for her.
I'm making homemade potato soup today~ YUMMYLICIOUS! I made some last week and was told it was the best soup they have ever eaten. Request to make more have been put in lol.
Fur kids sure do help bunches when you don't feel your best, don't they.
Hope you have a wonderful day Sweet Annie.
Lovies and hugs XOXOXOXO
Anne....I am glad the "dental" part is behind you now. My sister has yet to wear her false teeth because she does so much better without them. Once her gums healed, she was fine with eating. Not having anymore toothaches is wonderful! But yes...you will have a phantom pain shoot through every now and then. I get that sometimes simply because of the way my head is resting when I start to drift off to sleep. I hate that deep nerve pain from a tooth that isn't even there.
ReplyDeleteGood to See Casey! Looks like her dental work is completed too. Her new smile looks great. But she would be just as beautiful even without any teeth. I've been watching that show about those kids "Leaving Amish" and there is this one girl on there who said all her teeth were yanked out when she was just a little bit younger because it was considered a ritual to do away with vanity or something like that. Well...she took out her false teeth in front of the camera and with a big ole toothless smile said..."That's my teeth!" She was still beautiful without them.
Anne....once you find a place to go to when leaving Mulitply....please....let me know somehow where you are. If you have to, wherever you end up, just type my name in the search bar and see if you recognize the avatar photos. I still go by Peachie but there are many with the same name out there. I am favoring anotherblogspot.com at this time. I seem to hang out there more than any place else. Well....I'm on Facebook all the time, but its not a social blogging site. Anotherblogspot is fairly new and making improvements whenever we ask them to. The members list is still low and I think I like that part. It's not overcrowded as of yet.
Anna this is a big post so I am going to comment in bits and peices OK
ReplyDeleteI have advanced osteoporosis Anna so I know your pain my friend, I am on Organo Immune Spray, Vit D drops 4000 IU 8 drops a day and some Protos 2g 28 Sachets drink I also do Hydro but the only thing that only takes the aches and pain away for me is a few cones throughout the day.
Since I do not live on the reservation, I would have to pay 100% of any/all referrals. Grrr... And I'd say Grrrrrrrr also Anna that hurts a bit I bet Anna. Sorry that that happened mate.
Back Soon Anna
Sweet Pea;
ReplyDeleteYou would think I might remember at least parts of it then- They would have come in from the time I was 6, give or take, to probably 12 or so...
I honestly do not remember any of that.
I *do* remember when I was little, having a loose tooth or two, and the sickening feeling it gave me in the pit of my stomach when it would move away from my gum -and not come out.
I~C~K~Y!!!! GROSS!
I also remember when I was about 20 (again +/-) and had to have my wisdom teeth out. (2 of them were giving me complete fits)...
After he had xrayed my mouth, and had shown me how displaced they all were, the dental surgeon (incidentally *this* dental surgeons father) then told me that my insurance wouldn't pay to have them all removed at once, unless or until they were giving me pain.
Um... "WHAT!?!?!?"
I immediately grabbed my face on both sides, and loudly proclaimed- (in my best drama-trained voice), "Oh Doctor, my face hurts!" -
and- "My whole mouth hurts! And I am afraid that I shall NEVER be able to eat. EVER AGAIN!" -and- "Please Doctor, you have GOT to HELP me!"
Of course it worked. hehehe
He laughed out loud. Grabbing my own hands (that were still placed over my cheeks), he said "OK, Anne, I will take them all out at the same time."
Maybe he just wanted me to be quiet, but truly he was laughing-
And what the hell, Pea, it worked this time too.
Sweet Susan;
ReplyDeleteWow- We sure take our time, don't we? hehehe
Like yourself, I am here until that last rat deserts too.
CaseyAnne is actually doing so fine that she went up north camping this past weekend.
I haven't heard her story of it all yet, but I will hear from her today.
The highs this weekend were about 40°(F).
They had a cabin with electricity- But I don't think it had heat.
What do you put in your soup? Besides potatoes that is... hehehe
I make a pretty awesome leek soup. It has potatoes in it too. (See my recipes section, or look for 'soup' in my tag area)
Sweet PeachieBaby-
ReplyDeleteQuestion for you- Had your sister had her teeth removed, uppers or lowers, in parts? Or were they all done at once?
I just can't believe that she was able to eat so soon after having them out.
The weirdest thing I notice is that my jaw does not close enough to where my gums meet. Therefore I am incapable of "chewing"
Wonder how long it takes for that to happen.
This makes sense though- Because if you think on it, these 2 gum plates have never really come together to meet one another. They have always been separated by teeth!
So how long until that happens?
Pa could eat just fine without his teeth in, including steaks! (And his, he always wanted well-done). But he preferred to put them in to savor all the flavors...
He generally just wore them to school conferences- my plays and stuff. And to church functions too- mass, weddings, and funerals.
And his face never looked like -'weird'- without them in.
Mom? She even slept in hers, taking them out only to clean them. And she never soaked them either- She would use some kind of 'toothpaste' and put them right back in. Unlike Dad, she was almost unintelligible when she talked without them.
I don't much care- Just miss "crunching". Most of my stuff anyway is soft enough to smush with my tongue versus palate.
I saw that episode of the Amish kids in NYC. I recorded, but haven't watched yet, the series, so don't tell me if they go back or not.
Now- When I search for you, will I just put "Peachie" in? Or do I also use the year?
Please let me know-
Mr Lester;
ReplyDeleteNo worries my friend- It is always OK when you comment- No matter what you say! hehehe
Happy to hear you are into naturopathy a bit, and are using the Organo Immune Spray-
As for the strontium renalate, it is not an FDA approved 'drug' in the US. So I ordered some strontium citrate online. Due to the higher incidence of thrombosis though I do not take the suggested amount every day- Just sometimes. And you have to take it on an empty stomach. I hate whenever my stomach is empty so it's hard to find a time like that. hehehe
Id your Vitamin D, a form of D3?
I sure hope so.
If not, then ***demand*** a D3 please!!! D3 does not coat your arteries when your bone is not absorbing it. The other D's will.
Make sure you are also getting enough potassium (as K2 only) to help with the absorption and displacement of your D3 and your calcium.
Now what, pray tell are "a few cones"
I have a stinkin' feeling I want some.
ReplyDeleteSilly Man.
I am Native American.
You do have a way of making me smile! Thank you for that too.
Never mind. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cone
ReplyDeleteI tole ya I probably wanted some...
Damn! When will it be legal across the USA ????
Anne, my sister had about 16 teeth removed. Those are what she had left, from top and bottom. They were all removed within only a few minutes by a dentist at Dental Centers of America. I had all my uppers removed. We had already gone in ahead of time and had impressions made where our teeth were lined up in our mouth. The dentures were made from those previous impressions. Then when we had them pulled, they stitched up what needed closing, then they stuck those false dentures right in there as we bled. She and I both drank protein shakes (ensure) and sipped on soup and swallowed jello for about a week. Seems like the bleeding stopped completely in about 3 days. But we could eat semi-solid foods when it felt comfortable for us. I have worn some sort of bridge or dental appliance since I was 18. So, getting use to a full upper denture was not a problem for me. My sister however, never got adjusted to eating with false teeth in. Her gums are pretty tough, but she also never kept up with getting the denture liners done after the swelling went down in different stages of time. So her teeth literally floated around too much for her to deal with them. She actually talks better without her false teeth. She hates to use denture creams to tighten them in so they do tend to come close to falling out of her mouth when she tried to talk. So, she goes without them. Seems like we went in February and had our teeth pulled. We have decoration at the cemeteries here in May. We usually get hamburgers and eat in the truck at the cemetery and then go decorate the graves. My sister took her dentures out at that time to eat hamburgers and fries.
ReplyDeleteHave you caught up on "Leaving Amish" yet? Can't wait to discuss that with you.
When looking me up on other sites, just put in Peachie. Or in some places, Peachie and my last name. I always use my own picture so even if there are 20 other Peachies, you should have no problem with knowing which one is me.