[My] Life in Wisconsin

Sue's Glenn, and My Garlic

Good Morning All;
Another new place to blog! 
Imagine- In 2006 I began blogging at Yahoo 360, six years have gone by already! They (360) closed down and many of us sought refuge at Multiply. Having been given notice that Multiply bloggers are being outed to make room for their sales sites, I am now transporting my blogs over to here. (For now). There are well over 1000 blogs that need to be rescued and not forever buried in a cloud somewhere.

My friend Sue lost her husband on Sunday. He had a massive heart attack. He is a member of the Sno-Birds Snowmobile Club, and they were marking the trails for Winter. He fell down at
one stop, and they called 911 immediately.
Help was there momentarily but there was too much damage, too fast.
He died at the hospital.
Oh! He was so much fun! Sue and Glenn had a deer farm and would come and get all my apples to feed their deer. I feel so awful for her! Glenn donated his body, any needed organs or tissues so the funeral will not be until Friday. What a long week for all of his family and friends- Mostly Sue.

Glenn- up a tree (and scared of heights too)
Getting apples off the top of the tree!

Sue- With her hands full of pears

Glenn coming to get the first pail of pears

Sassy sassy Glenn! hehehe

*** Those pictures are NOT from 2012- I had 4 apples, and only 2½ pears.
I had to send them the following note when they had sent a picture of my old wagon with their flowers in it!  

Cool wagon, eh?!

She had inquired about my apple stock as her grandson needed some to take up north hunting...

Hi Sue and Glenn!
Oh yay!!!  Am glad to see the wagon is getting a little exercise! hehehe 
What a cool picture!!! Your kitty looks so very much like Sputty that I had to look twice- 

I had 4 apples this year- and about 2 and a half pears- That pear tree even bloomed TWICE!
I was so proud of the 2 apples that were growing within reach- And one day a few weeks ago, Randy mentioned that he had swiped a few apples.
I said, "WHAT?!?!"   (Even though I know he loves green apples)-

I asked him if he had bothered to look UP, he said that he hadn't-
That's when I told him that those were the ONLY 2 apples I had that I was babying along- and my mouth had watered over more than a few times...

So to answer your question, no I do not have any apples this year. Though admittedly I haven't looked up to see those other two, lately.
You are most welcomed to those 2 (if they are still there). I shall check on them today- just as soon as it stops raining...
Bring that big roof rake you have so you can get them both down. And in all fairness, you really should share them with your grandson. hehehe

The reason I hadn't blogged about this, nor called you, or even emailed, is a selfish one; see, I figured one day you would come over to get apples, and at least I would get to see you.
Damn hey? Now you have gone and beaten me to that punch. :-(

Sheesh! They never did come and get those 2 stinkin' apples. I wonder why? 

I hope everyone is feeling well? Maybe just better than I have been feeling would be a vast improvement! For me, it has been a rough 2 days- I feel "wrong"... 
Casey said yesterday that she would bring me in if/when I say so.
I just feel odd.

Not like this though- - - 

(Click pic to enlarge image).

And yes, I have been taking my vitamins, minerals, and other supplements. I know that I do not eat right at the present time (due only to my current dental s(h)ituation). Hopefully this all is short-lived.
At any rate I have doubled up on some of these dietary supplements- especially my garlic- Good timing for that with the cold and flu season upon us, and lasting for months. (And besides, who cares if I smell like a little clove)?!? hehehe
I will keep this very short for today because I am not too familiar with how "blogger" works- yet. 
Give me a week.
But first I am going to head upstairs and try to catch up on some sleep.

Whew! I think I found all the pics I wanted to! Now I can only hope they will post correctly.

My love to all.


Picture this at 2 in the morning...
Know that when I couldn't sleep [again] last night I broke out in Three Dog Night's  rendition of "Joy to the World".
Suffice to say that Punk did not like that song at all...
Tooooooooo funny!