I will blog about Casey tomorrow. For now she is OK.
Blocked again!
*NOTE: If you do not care to read about religion or faith, close this window now.
Do I begin with "Good Evening" ?
Or shall I just apologize in advance; and state what pity I feel it is that I am forced to post this in public?
-Dirty underwear and all. hehehe
I have copied here what has been written of me.
All typos left alone; as is, where is.
Well at least she got the correct link. hehehe
I have already blogged of the person who wrote the above words about me- as previously she was the impetus for me to write "People Are Different."
Click on that if you wish, that was my blog re: homosexuality.
Within that blog I had written:
"I have seen so much hypocrisy and idiocy from people who refuse to learn."
I then quoted her. As momma stated, "if i turn on the TV and ellen is on i turn it, i just wish she would get saved, she seems to have great sense of humor."
To whit, I asked "How does she know Ellen is funny if she doesn't watch her?"
(My question went unanswered)...
A SCREAMING zealot she appears to me. But she has inspired me to reply to her too.
I will begin with her reply to me on my "I Believe, Still" blog. (Click that if you haven't read it).
Anne i clicked on the link to check out about You and what you believe.All i can say is you need to get saved and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. To be Christian is to be Christ Like and here is why i have drawn this conclusion ok.
1.God wrote more than the 10 Commandments he wrote the entire bible through mankind.
2.there is no such thing as the afterlife we live and die then the judgment .
3.we only have one life we don't come back again and again
4.and hell isn't life on earth, and i hope and pray you don't go there
5.you say you don't believe in the devil, well he is very real. Lucifer and all the angels that followed him were thrown out of heaven, he was a beautiful angel once but because he tried to make him self higher than God he was punished.
6.and you believe in Karma>>>>>>>>after reading all about what you believe in it sounds like what the Buddhist believe in or the Hindus.
now in saying all this if you would like to learn more about Gods ways i would suggest you find a good church be faithful lin attending read the bible and prayer is very important . I am not trying to hurt you or tear you down but i do know what works , i have my testimony at my home page under my profile if you care to go read it . i wish all the best for you and i do know you are seeking truth, Jesus Loves you so don't stop searching. "
I am happy that you came to read of a little bit of what is inside me.
Know first that you cannot "hurt" me, or "tear me down" - unless I allow you to do so.
(And I am simply not allowing it). Not today. Not ever.
I am more than pleased by what is in my heart, and in my soul.
As stated it does not matter to me if you agree, or if you do not.
As far as I am concerned, everyone has a right to be here.
You have shared your views. I will reply in kind; even though to do so is to reiterate much of what has already been written there.
1. You wrote through mankind god wrote The 10 Commandments.
IMHO, you would ONLY be correct if then you will agree that "mankind" includes each and every human being on the face of our Earth.
2. If there is no such thing as the afterlife, where will you be -to attend that judgment you spoke of, if your soul/spirit is not alive?
Have you just betrayed yourself, or your god, by that statement alone?
3. Many people do not believe in reincarnation.
If that is your belief then that is your belief. I am not here to change anyone.
Fact: Human burials from between 30,000 and 50,000 B.C. provide evidence of human belief in an afterlife and possibly in deities, although it is not clear when human belief in deities became the dominant view. wiki
4. I love the way you phrased your reply by stating "and Hell isn't"!
(That's what I said)! hehehe
As stated above in # 3, that is your belief. I am not here to change anyone.
5. I do not believe in the devil.
(That too has been hashed and rehashed so much that it has lost its flavor).
Again as I'd written, "I only believe that there are some very dark spirits and entities living amongst, and near, to us all."
6. I really do believe in Karma.
Again, I have already said that. You have only repeated it.
* I have explained why I feel this way.
But now I am curious if you can explain why you believe that Karma is such a bad thing?
Furthermore, why do you say Karma is exclusive to Buddhists or Hindis? (It isn't you know).
Or were you trying to imply that Buddhism, or Hinduism, ie: other religions, are bad?
My God does not exclude anyone. Why does yours?
Where does your point-of-view leave people who are other faiths/practices?
What good does it do you to put down anyone else' religion or Faith, (or even the lack of it)?
What good can that possibly do anyone?
My own god does not allow me to do that- Even if he did I would not charge anyone to change.
As I had written to you previously, "I would never presume to know what God thinks of anyone! I would never think that my "God" is better than anyone else'."
God is God. Maybe we could just leave it at "God Is" for those that do believe?
Previously we had this conversation"
A. Are you admitting that there is more than one God, by asking me 'what' God I serve? That would be quite a negative in the face of The Ten Commandments.
God, by any other name, is still God.
You seem to be taking KJV all too seriously. Each and every Faith has their 'bible' Sweetie.
And whether He/She is called God, Our Creator, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Yahweh, etc.
Well, that is ALL simple semantics Lea. See, there IS only one God. And whomever God is -called- (and in direct contrast to Exodus 34:14), I assure you that my "God" is not jealous, or to be feared, if I do good throughout my life.
God will judge my heart and my soul. Nothing else.
Too, your viewpoint sadly excludes way many of gods own creations.
And by "creations" I mean all of mankind; especially those which practice their own religion(s) faithfully.
But I do believe your POV to be quite narrow when compared with my own.
I do not need to attend any church to be a 'good', or just, person. As if I might need an excuse, I will refer you to the anxiety attacks I spoke of also. Oddly these even seem to present themselves whether I am doing hypnosis, yoga exercises, driving across the state, blogging, or even attending mass!
I am well to not be part of the "Sunday faithful".
(But I do thank you for caring so darn much).
Again I am quite happy just the way I am. I am sorry you do not see the joy in my own soul. For there is a little show of Faith (mine) in almost every line; should you decide to reread it- this time as it was written.
I am not searching for anything else. My spiritual life is quite intact.
Oh wait! You are right!!!! God loves me anyway...
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!
Anne -aka- "The immoral, unchristian, (and confused) one with the Devil Spirit"
Dear Anne,
ReplyDeleteI love you just the way you are and if someone with a deliverer complex feels that you aren't good enough, then she can take a long walk off a short branch.
forever your snotball
Anne, my beliefs are so very much like yours are. I do not belong to a specific religious faith, nor do I attend church to believe in "God". I believe there is truth in all faiths and we each must find our own truth, we know it when we find it, we can FEEL it in our soul! {{hugs}}
ReplyDeleteHi Cille! {{hugs}} :)
oh god.... I am a hindu...
ReplyDeleteshe thinks I will burn in hell.
Ever wonder if there is more than one heaven? I do....
If we cannot except others with all the differences we all have, how can we expect God to accept us? And if MY God is the same as YOUR God, and I do believe he is, then our God knows and Loves us all for who we are.
ReplyDeleteOh...and I think you know this...but during those missing years when nothing was told about Jesus....he was living among and learning from the Buddhist way. Or so I have read. And there is lots of things to compare likenesses of between Christianity and Buddhism.
None of us can claim to know something we have no actual knowledge of. The actual process of the soul/spirit is a mystery to us all. UNTIL we have gone through it, no one can say for sure that its "This way or that way."
To "see" things, "feel" things and "know" in your heart what you know is different for us all. And when you come across others who have those same inclinations, people will connect with each other on common ground. And when there is no connection we should respect the differences of others. In doing so, we are learning many things that God needs us to understand.
And Anne....I know of your Native American background connection. I know very little of my own. But what I do know of those ancestral ways of the Native American people was that they were/are VERY spiritual.
God knows OUR hearts better than any person on earth could ever know. Right?
Well, I'll be damned. Um, I mean...guess I'm going to get the iron rod, & the lake of fire when I die.
ReplyDeleteSuffer horribly into eternity. Because this person's god is a loving god, & by gum I'd deserve all of that love!
I'm an Atheist. I don't believe in any deity at all. I wonder why Atheists never seem to have the desire to convert?
I very briefly had a contact...I didn't know he was a fundamentalist Christian. He sicked two of his friends on me, who wrote in my guest book, & sent copious PMs. See, they LOVED me, they wanted to call me 'sister' but they couldn't until I Found the Way. But, I'm so bad, I didn't even look!
Sigh. What people believe in, or don't believe in, is none of my concern.
IMHO, I don't believe God wrote the bible through mankind. The bible has borrowed almost everything from ancient beliefs in other gods. Men wrote the bible, & that's it. They even contradicted each other. By the way, as I see it: God didn't create man in his image & likeness. Men created god in theirs. Thus, we should all be men.
Hey, woman, when you last seed Lucifer? Whut he look like? He be beautiful angel? Meet me up with dat guy!
Anne, I think you know I'd never be so churlish, but she asked for it!
Peachie, the history of Christianity is fascinating, a rich tapestry. Of course, there's much blood in the threads, but look at people even now. Religion against religion has taken more toll than all the natural disasters.
ReplyDeleteThe atrocities to innocent Muslims in New York is painful to me. The greatest disgrace of all to this 'hallowed' ground, is the bizarre farce that's being made of it. Americans against Americans fighting about whether a mosque/community center should be built two blocks away. Today, I was speaking with someone on the phone who said he'd be watching CNN, & a Republican stated that the 'mosque' was planned as a victory over the U.S.
How irrational can anyone be? It's people like this who disgrace the victims of 9/11, (many of whom were Muslim Americans.)
Sorry, I do tend to ramble.
.I was raised Catholic, and only stopped attending church a few years ago…. We all know why. However, I believe in God and in what I was taught (mostly). There are so many core similarities between religions (even wicca) that I believe that the God I believe in is the same God others believe in and worship thru their unique religions. (Btw I am only talking about religions of light right now, because I also believe there are people who worship evil.) I think that God has presented himself/herself in a variety of ways to make it easier for people to relate and understand. As for evil and the devil, I don’t honestly know if there is a “devil” but I definitely know there is evil in this world, and I think there are people who open themselves up to these evil spirits either intentionally or otherwise. Which could be a lengthy discussion in itself. Karma, I don’t actually see how Karma violates the tenets of the Catholic Religion, correct me because I sometimes confuse Karma, but isn’t Karma all about “What you put out there comes back to you….” So if you put good and positive energy out into the world you will draw good and positive things towards you? And vice versa. Don’t get me wrong, this does not mean that I believe God punishes people with illnesses etc. I think those things are horrible random acts, another potentially long discussion. An after life, I certainly believe in an afterlife and ever Christian I know does as well, so I am a little confused as to what Momma is referring to. However, for me, I also sort of wonder if this life on earth isn’t really purgatory. Yes, I know we aren’t supposed to believe in purgatory but it sort of makes sense to me. It’s not hell, but it’s not heaven either. So it’s that in-between place where we hopefully learn enough to get it right and go to heaven. Which leads me to the next thought; how do we know there isn’t reincarnation? Seriously, my all loving God might want me to keep coming back here until I learn everything I need to so I can move on to the next afterlife… whatever that might be. I could go on but will stop blogjacking now.
ReplyDeleteI am atheist --
ReplyDeleteI always say actions speak way louder than words anyway--
people make their own heaven and hell
I believe in good and bad energie to but most is just fate life happens try to make the best
you can out of yourself and move forward and truely do unto others as would have them do unto you but so many have forgoten that
Sweet Snotball;
ReplyDeleteWe have lots in common, I like me too!
(I even love YOU)!
I also love the phrase "Deliverer Complex"
Just like many of your own Native American posts, it sums it up so very well!
Sweet Suzy-
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly why, when I do go to mass, that I choose to go to NON-denominational churches. They fit me well, and I fit there too.
There IS truth in each religion/faith.
Just that many are very pompous about their own. (God isn't, why should they be)?
You are right about finding and feeling it 'within' also.
I don't believe that there is anything left to say beyond what I say at the side of my bed each night.
Sweet Pea;
ReplyDeleteCan you say god and Hindu on the same line? hehehe Guess you just did!
More than one Heaven?
No. I have never wondered that- Only because our Creator loves us all.
Heaven is also here as well. Don't you doubt it for the world.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone can find me a real faith/religion that their god does not love everyone, please let me know.
ReplyDeleteSweet PeachieBaby-
Jesus was to be many things- and still is, to many different people and faiths. Therefore who are we to question or deny any of them?
None of the books I have read were written DURING the time that he was on Earth. So why would we believe one, and only one, rendition of the time he was here.
And who is to say he is not? Now?
My Native American heritage is one part of my soul (the biggest part). I remain completely in awe of.
I am so very happy that I did my search, and learned for real, what I had only suspected all along.
The spirituality runs very very deep in me. I think you already know that too. it always has. Perhaps that is why I questioned Father Fetko years ago at CCD. Though I learned quickly not to question him ever- (as he spewed forth some very unchristian things when I dared to ask even a few simple questions). hehehe
That too was abhorrent to me, even as a small child.
Sweet Scootch;
ReplyDeleteI have had contacts like that also. You are worthless to them if you do not see it their way. (Who are they to judge me/you in the first place)?
And it becomes "their way", or begone with you.
Case in point, momma deleted every comment I made. That they were good comments, and nothing harsh or disrespectful in any way did not matter.
She knew I did not agree with HER way, or HER words, so she simply deleted them. (Then of course she blocked me). hehehe
I have a tendency to stay away from those that only write 'of' god, and do not share of themselves.
Maybe that just makes me too nosy for my own good?
You are no more churlish in your reply, than I was in posting my own reply to her here. But like I said, I am blocked from her site so I cannot get this to her any other way.
Oh well. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI do not know what it means either.
Ramble away anytime. I do not mind.
ReplyDeleteI don't know of any religion that has not tried to justify bloodshed to some degree or another.
And to an extent, this, "religion pitted against religion" is what ALL wars emanate from.
It is irrationality at its finest.
:-) Read and baffled
ReplyDeleteSweet Cab;
ReplyDeleteLike yourself, if I might compare- I too was speaking of "religions of light right now, because I also believe there are people who worship evil". Right you are.
If required reading of many biblical texts was to be ours, we would definitely see the similarities between them all. Though not versed in them, I have read many 'other' bibles- not only KJV of Christianity.
There seem to be as much pleasing to them all- on a shared frequency. That is fascinating to me.
I am more than elated that you also chose to point out that god does NOT punish anyone with illness. (I would wish then to question why Baby Mariah died, ReiAnna, and many others we thought were too young).
It curdles my blood that some people believe this to be so.
I would also need to question why Casey has been so sick...
That line of thought is hideous and horrendous to anyone who has (had) a sick, or dead, child.
Thank you again for pointing that out!
I too was confused of her definition of afterlife. Wondering where then her Heaven will be?
1. Live.
2. Die.
3. Judgment.
Not even close to good enough. (For me).
It is my deep belief that we are reincarnated.
Simply because when you think of the billions/trillions of years that the universe has been here, why would god put us here for a mere 60 or 70 or 80 years?
(That makes NO sense to me at all). It actually sounds kind of silly.
Happy too that you brought Wicca into this-
Blessed be! I have a tendency to overlook that faith, even though I know and care for more than a few practicing Wiccans myself.
Like most anyone else, they are good, joyous, and happy people who love their families.
Feel free to blogjack my comments anytime! I do not mind this! ever.
Sweet Heidi;
ReplyDeleteAround here you may be anything you need to be.
You are correct that actions speak louder than words.
That is something I tried to instill in my own daughters as they grew to realize, note, and understand the differences in the people around them.
And all life does boil down to "The Golden Rule", doesn't it!
Thank you for pointing that out.
And yes, I do expect to be called out when I have erred on someone else' behalf. It is not like I post this forgetting that I mess up too. But I don't think I have ever CRAMMED myself down anyones throat either.
Mr. Lester-
ReplyDeleteWhen I'd read her 1st reply in my I Believe blog, was just when Casey was quite ill once again. I had read it, determined to post a reply. But never did.
Then yesterday she came back to my I Believe blog and stated lots of whacked out stuff.
To add insult to injury, she has even belittled me on another blog written by someone I admire greatly.
I was baffled also Lester, do not feel bad.
My own 'take' is that she stops at nothing to voice her paranoia and insecurities.
Her problem. My reply.
I just do not get people. I never care if someone believes or not, it is not my business. I do not care what a person's sexual orientation is, it is none of my business. I do not understand why others do not understand.
ReplyDeleteNor do I SweeTee.
ReplyDeleteNor do I.
I do not know how I upset her so much.
I just don't get it. (And you would know how upsetting I "can" be)! hehehe
But there was none of that. Only that 1st disagreement when she'd replied to my comment on Peachie's blog about gay people NOT having a choice.
And at that point, I had only disagreed with the author! Go figure...
She would not answer a question I posed to her a few weeks ago....would you turn your back on your gay child? I found out that her daughter had, in fact, been gay. She never responded, just danced around it and turned everything back on ME and trying to "save" me....had enough of that when a "Christian" USAF supervisor called us "godless heathens" when he found out we were American Indian. Spirituality is personal, not something to shove down another's throat.
ReplyDeleteDear Sweet Heathen Friend of Mine;
Do you know if her child is alive? I ask only because if the girl died then maybe M-L did a loopyloop off the deep end -and stayed there. (Her "faith" should not allow that to happen)!
And is she psychologically haunted now by the fact that she wrote her daughter off?
Or is she just ANGRY about her daughter being (a) lesbian?
(THAT would answer your question, in and of itself).
Dear Sweet Heathen Friend of Mine;
Do you know if her child is alive? I ask only because if the girl died then maybe M-L did a loopyloop off the deep end -and stayed there. (Although her professed strong faith should never allow that to happen)!
And is she psychologically haunted now by the fact that she wrote her daughter off?
Or is she just ANGRY about her daughter being (a) lesbian?
(THAT would answer your question, in and of itself).
Is it Multiply that is effed up, or me? hehehe (Never mind, don't answer that)!
Hi Sweet Mommy,
ReplyDeleteThis person surely is NOT one to be endorsing of the "Coexist" mentality.... I am so sick of people like this who think their religion/ways are the ONLY right ways and everyone else needs to be "saved"!!!!
Saved? From what??? The only one to judge us after we die is ourselves.... At least that's what I believe... I side mostly with the Gnostic point of view, which some ignorant person called "New Age"! LOL! Christ was Gnostic, so if that's "New" Age stuff, then I guess they're living about 2,000 years behind times!!!
God is ALL LOVING!!!! He will not be sending anyone to Hell, which I agree doesn't exist, for if he did condemn any soul, he would be a wrathful and hating God... He can't be both: all-loving and wrathful... For to be both would be a contradiction, and that's not possible in a God who is perfect! He is ALL LOVING! No matter what we call Him/Her, They accept us.... (Yes, I believe there is a Mother God and Father God... This is backed up in many of the major religions including Christianity....)
I hope this woman learns that because you've come to God out of love for Him, and not out of fear of condemnation, that you're so much happier of a soul! For one who lives a life of love is surely happier than one who lives a life of fear...
I can't stand those who try to cram their religion down other people's throats... I steer clear of those people for no matter what I say, they believe I must be "SAVED".... Saved? From loving God?? I don't think so... If I must be saved because I believe God loves all religions, then I don't want to be... I'd rather live a life that accepts all than a hateful/judgmental life...
This woman seems to be unhappy and I only hope that God's love and light will shine on her and brighten her views... If not, well, I guess she'll see when she dies... The soul does live on... We've all been here before (many scientific studies prove this...) and we'll all come again!
Never let anyone take your faith away... It's too precious! I'm with you on all of your beliefs!! I believe we are all loved by God no matter what we call Him/Her... Let this woman believe what she wants, but don't let her bring you down...
I love you MUCH MUCH!!!!
Dear Anne,
ReplyDeleteIf Mommalea had really read the Word, she would see where it says to offer the Word to others and if they refuse it, then to leave them alone and move on. NO WHERE does it say anything about browbeating and insulting those that don't believe as you do.
Deliverer Complex fits SO many of those that have committed atrocities past and present in the name of God. I'm sure that it was more in the name of hubris (which, by the way, is a sin).
I'm glad you love me Anne.
hehehe....Heathen....that's me!
ReplyDeleteI think it was mentioned that her daughter was no longer living, I don't know the reason. She could be regretting not accepting her, not having the chance to reconcile or just the old "not MY child" mentality.....she was just more concerned that I wasn't "Christian" and NEEDED to be "saved".
I need to get you the patch I saw the other day Sis. "Born right the first time", it sorta fits us "heathens" doesn't it? LOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteLOL...I love it! It sure does fit us "godless" heathens!
ReplyDeleteWe could only be so very very lucky....
ReplyDeleteLove you!
Somewhere I once read about a theory that heaven is divided into "continents" like the earth with each religion having its own space...
ReplyDeleteI liked the idea. So you go to the one you believe in.... I guess that would be the perfect description of heaven. It is what you believe it to be.
I believe in heaven on earth but was only talking about the "afterlife kind of heaven"
And now wonders... if there is no reincarnation, how can you have an "afterlife"... wouldn't you be dead?
And why do rednecks get all the reintarnation?
AWESOME!!!! That is SUCH a great expression!
ReplyDeleteHeya Baby Girl;
ReplyDeleteBe careful of agreeing with me, (there are those that still think you can't think for yourself)! hehehe
You DO need saving- from your leaky iron. Good thing you have Dr. Sutherland to find your leak!
You do have a rain! And I am happy too that you thought of the Gnosticism.
Happy that you made the correlation between that awful man and his "New Age" hatred too. (Some people are just THAT dumb).
I love your last line. "Let this woman believe what she wants, but don't let her bring you down."
It is simple and perfect.
Mama D
She is the one that tried to clunk me on the head with her bible once upon a blog.
ReplyDeleteI do not appreciate that, ever.
I can't even stand it when a priest/minister does it.
Browbeating and insults don't ever work with me either. I just insult people right back. (and yes, I already know that two wrongs don't make a Christian).
er... well you know.
As far as hubris...
Remember that Hubrus, from Greek tragedies, caused only personal ruin.
I am truly sorry for her loss.
ReplyDeleteThat regret could still be overcome- in a wonderful way by working with and for other people; especially for her to involve herself in the LGBT communities.
Micki, (Baby Mariah's mom), founded "Riah's Rainbow, Inc" after Mariah died- Micki is so involved in helping other sick children.
Lea must only have faith- in her OWN faith. Which obviously she lacks.
Now go save yourself, you heathen. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI WANT ONE!
Sweet Pea;
ReplyDeleteI love that theory- My own says to me that we will all be together in the long run.
And I did know you spoke of the afterlife- I was speaking of it also.
"Very Completely Dead" -to answer your first question.
"idunno" would answer the 2nd...
I told myself I wasn't going to say anything but I'm gonna do just that. Ya'll keep saying you don't like people that brow beat or Bible thump...well, just what do you call what ya'll are doing? You are doing just that because you don't agree with someone else's way of thinking. I live in a city that is pretty much equal "parts" Catholic and Baptist and I was once called a blasphemer because I stated that I talk to God in the shower, naked....I responded with " He made me naked, I don't think He'd mind". Again, was called a blasphemer. Either way, we ALL have our own beliefs in religion...( and other matters as well....) One way isn't better than another. One more thing, while atheists have a right to their own beliefs, I will not respect any thing one has to say. Agnostics I can respect...they at least believe in a Higher Power. Myself, I do NOT believe in organized religions. I do NOT attend church but I DO believe in GOD, I DO read GOD'S word, and I DO pray every day. A church is just a building....nothing more.
ReplyDeleteWell. Well. Well.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I see nowhere within my blog, nor in any of the previous comments where anyone has browbeat anyone else to believe as they do.
I said what I believe.
Others said what THEY believe.
Read again. No one said MommaLea should believe as THEY do.
They have however said what a lousy thing she has begun...
That there is a kinder way to have people believe than how she went about it. Isn't there?
I do vehemently disagree that "one way isn't better than another."
One speaks of kindness; and the other of complete ignorance with no compassion or tolerance.
There would be a HUGE degree of difference, wouldn't you agree?
Let me put it to you this way...
If the tables were turned, and YOU were lesbian, black, and atheist, wouldn't You at least want people to listen (and truly hear) what you have to say?
Is there something wrong with that? Hmmm?
Bob: You were lying in your bed
ReplyDeleteYou were feeling kind of sleepy
But you couldn't close your eyes because the room was getting creepy.
Larry: Were those eyeballs in the closet?
Was that Godzilla in the hall?
Bob: There was something big and hairy casting shadows on the wall.
Now your heart is beating like a drum
Your skin is getting clammy.
There's a hundred tiny monsters jumping right into your jammies!
Bob: What are going to do?
Junior: I'm going to call the police!
Bob: No! You don't need to do anything!
Junior: What? Why?
Bob: Because ...
Bob: God is bigger than the boogie man
He's bigger than Godzilla, or the monsters on TV
Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man
And He's watching out for you and me.
Junior: So, when I'm lying in my bed
And the furniture starts creeping
I'll just laugh and say, "Hey, cut that out!"
And get back to my sleeping
'Cause I know that God's the biggest
And He's watching all the while.
So, when I get scared I'll think of Him
And close my eyes and smile!
All: God is bigger than the boogie man
He's bigger than Godzilla, or the monsters on TV
Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man
And He's watching out for you and me.
Monster #1: So, are you frightened?
Junior: No, not really.
Monster #2: Are you worried?
Junior: Not a bit.
I know what ever's gonna happen,
That God can handle it.
Proud owner of that bumper sticker. (Mine even has a rainbow on it) Makes for some pretty ugly looks around here, but maybe it'll help somebody think rationally.
ReplyDeleteCasey can't think for herself???
ReplyDeleteWow.... and all that time she was out here with out you she sure put on a good act......
Who knew.. Learn something new every day.
reads like i have been missing out on some interesting discussions while i am out of state :)
ReplyDeletehopfully i will be back on line for longer periods of time by the weekend :)
tc ,hugs