Riah's Rainbow *In Memory of Mariah Jean Klein*
Your kindest assistance? Please?
Most of you remember Baby Mariah...
Click for her Caring Bridge Site
Miss Micki (Mariah's Mama) has formed Riah's Rainbow. (For my own entry Click here).
From their site, Micki describes Riah's Rainbow:
"Our mission is to be able to give local hospitals new coloring books, crayons, markers, colored pencils, craft items, etc. to pediatric patients.
Each time they visit they will receive a new coloring book & box of crayons to take home with them.
We also offer alternatives such as puzzles, project bags, or paints.
Often times, cancer patients are offered "community" craft items. With comprised immune systems, the threat is always there that the child may develop an illness. Riah's Rainbow eliminates that fear for parents.
It is our hope that in the future we will be able to provide parents with the resources to take their children out for a day adventure...maybe to the zoo, or dinner and a movie, for the whole family."
Riah's Rainbow is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established to enrich the lives of children who have to endure any length of stay in the hospital. There are no salaried employees of Riah's Rainbow, the foundation operates solely through the generous efforts of volunteers.
Riah's Rainbow will be a featured story in Woman's World magazine in the October 11th, 2010 issue in stands on October 4th, 2010! (Facebook entry says October 11th, 2011?).
Heck- Buy them both!!
Please check it out!
Hospitals that benefit from Riah's Rainbow include: * St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay, WI * Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, WI * The Brooklyn Hospital Center in Brooklyn, NY * Phoenix Children's Hospital in Phoenix, AZ * Sparrow Health System Lansing, MI * Univ. of MN Amplatz Children's Hosp Minneapolis, MN * Children's Memorial Chicago, IL
Contact Information:
Micki Klein, 920-544-9161,
If you'd like to donate crayons, coloring books, markers, puzzles; or if you'd prefer to mail a check please send to:
Riah's Rainbow, PO Box 253, Suamico, WI 54173-0253
For our Arizona Chapter:
Riah's Rainbow, 24105 W. Hadley Street, Buckeye, AZ 85326
Good Morning!
It takes but a moment to write out a check- and one stamp is still relatively cheap.
Do this please. Miss Micki needs your help!
I have a question for anyone that knows...
With Riah's Rainbow's tax exempt status, doesn't this mean that all of your donations are tax deductible? (If that's the case, then kwitcherbitchin' and donate)!
Pics. Parkinsons. Quotes. "Points To Ponder Before You Vote"
Man with Parkinson's Disease
(Does anyone know his name)?
(Does anyone know his name)?
Good Evening All;
Grab a cup of coffee and get your attitude on. But check the BS at the door.
Do you know anyone with Parkinsons? I do. My Uncle Chum has this awful disease.
Perhaps by now you have already seen this video. It became viral shortly after its release.
If you haven't seen it, please watch it.
Tea Party protesters campaigning against health care reform on Tuesday berated and mocked a pro-reform advocate whose sign indicates that he has Parkinson's disease.
Got Parkinson's? I do and you might. Thanks for your help- as the older man's sign reads.
He wandered over toward the anti-reform teabaggers protesting outside the district office of Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D-Ohio).
The Tea Party's responses, captured on video by the Columbus Dispatch, were unflinchingly callous and cruel.
"If you're looking for a handout, you're in the wrong part of town. Nothing for free. You have to work for everything you get," one teabagger chided, bending over to get in the face of the seated older man. The next Tea Partier dropped a dollar in his face, saying, "Start a pot, I'll pay for you. I'll decide when to give you money," in a mocking tone of voice.
A class act if I ever saw one. NOT.
A Few Thoughts to Ponder...
First of all, I am more than bored with those of you who cannot stand to have your cowardice exposed.
There have been many recent posts concerning the upward anger of the American voters.
There are posts that think this anger is misplaced.
Oh really? Because I sure don't think so!
"Oh please stop writing of hate", they cry, "or 'disagreements'"- yada yada yada-
If you have written any of that, you may now return to your viewing of Billy Jack.
The rest of us have better things to do; and need to leave an impression upon those who are willing to learn.
In any political field:
- There will be disagreements.
- (You cannot pretty that up).
- (You cannot pretty that up).
- There will be anger-
- (Such is the nature of the human animal).
- (Such is the nature of the human animal).
- There will be heated discussions.
- "If it's too hot in my kitchen",
- (well, get out of my damn kitchen)!
- "If it's too hot in my kitchen",
Still with me here?
As most of you know, I was never political; aside from voting for people I thought could best lead us. That all changed when Casey got sick, and there was a possibility that she would have to live out her life without basic medical treatment and/or diagnoses.
Back in '08 there were 2 suggested health care options that came from our presidential hopefuls.
One actually had a plan that offered hope for all Americans, sick or healthy.
The other thought that transplants and facelifts warranted the same level of insurance and medical care.
That was enough to get me to vote for # 1.
That there are still so many fallacies, (that means "LIES"), circulating about our HealthCare, is almost laughable- (if it wasn't so damned pathetic). The ones spreading these lies are the ones who HealthCare will benefit the very most! (Yes, that IS ignorance)!
Though not interchangeable, "Stupid is as stupid does" comes to mind.
Ignorance too- about God- or whatever you choose to call Him, -or not...
"We need to invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity" - Ann Coulter, denouncing Muslim terrorism by advocating Christian terrorism.
Um, what?!
More "stupid is as stupid does"
I salute! Twice.
Thank you Will.
And yet...
Where are YOU?
Where are you now?
Now where do you see yourself?
"Obama is a Muslim."
We have ALL heard this allegation. Some even go so far as to pass it on!?
The fact is that he is not a Muslim.
But what if he was? What is the big damn deal?
You all sound much like others back in the 1960's when JFK was running for President, and he was Catholic!
Good grief people, wake up!
Hopeful I am, that it is fatal...
Know that there IS a far better rally just around the corner. This one even sounds decent.
CLICK for Info!
Get thee there if you can. hehehe
From here.
Participating in the march will be Midge Hough, who last November was instrumental in pulling back the curtain on the then relatively new Tea Party Movement that was raising a shrill and discordant voice during the healthcare debate taking place at the time. Attending a town hall meeting held by Congressman Dan Lipinski to thank him for his early support of the healthcare legislation then in the House of Representatives, she got up to tell a tragic story of losing her 7 month pregnant daughter-in-law Jenny, and her unborn grandchild due to a lack of health insurance, which effectively blocked adequate access to the primary and critical care she needed when she contracted pneumonia. It was then that she was heckled and derided by the Tea Party Patriots, a group led by a woman named Catherina Wojtowicz. The event was written about in the local newspaper, the Southtown Star and captured on a video that went viral on YouTube:
On Fear...
From Al, or Jim or... Mouse over pic to view link. Or click here
I found it posted here. (Great post by the way)!
There are those that sneer at the following picture.
Is your Creator "better" than someone elses?
No really. What does it say to you?
Is there no room for another point of view?
He got it.
When is your last unemployment check due?
Have you forgotten the reluctance and game playing that abounded in Summer when you had to fight to get a few dollars? Or maybe you are one of the very lucky, and very few whose job and benefits, have not been adversely affected?
From here: "I've come to believe that almost anything I see in popular communications via the internet is suspect. I say "popular communications" because bloggers and tweeters and facebookies and other users of the generally available venues of internet communication have no real incentive to fact-check or authenticate what is put online. Emails come into my Inbox with revelations about Obama, the Tea Party, this politician or that, and it's almost always hystrical (and false) arm-waving and flame-bait.
Five minutes fact-checking on Google shows how bogus this stuff is, if anyone cares to check.
There is a real world out there, where real people do real things, and it used to be that there was an appreciable lag between the doing and the reporting. That lag is becoming an historical footnote anymore; I'm not sure that we're the better for it."
I wholeheartedly agree.
Use it -or vote indiscriminately at your own peril.
From here, "Boehner and other Republicans would even like to roll back the New Deal and get rid of Barack Obama’s smaller deal health-care law.The issue isn’t just economic.
We’re back to tough love.
The basic idea is force people to live with the consequences of whatever happens to them."
Well, isn't THAT nice?! What if you were the man with Parkinson's above?
I do not like this Boehner Man,
I do not like his every scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks,
Or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals,
I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like this dirty man,
I do not like him.
I do not like his fat red nose,
I'm smart; I know where he gets those,
I do not like his smug replies,
When we complain about his lies.
You are trying to kill our hope.
Remove our HealthCare? Nope, nope, nope!
...And I plan to vote, vote, vote!
A few quotes worth repeating...
From our 'Truth and Justice Now' group came these words. "People like to believe in nonsense. It is far easier than thinking."
From your algebra classes, or your other semi-advanced mathematical or political classes remember this: "There is no such thing as unsustainable debt. We cannot pass debt to our children."
That is not to say we spend frivolously or unwisely. That is not to say this is correct as it reads either: "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
"What is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents." -Robert F. Kennedy
Sadly, Bobby Kennedy could not have even guessed that this level of intolerance would be rampant among Americans of all races, creeds, or even sexual preferences.
* Bobby Kennedy could not have known what a Freeper is. (Freeper fail English? Unpossible)!
*He would not have known the term 'Astroturf" save for what was fake grass in the 60's.
*He would not have known Tenthers, 14th Repealers, Birthers, Gay bashing, and other not~so~subtle attempts at what essentially is ethnic cleansing.
*He may or may not have seen the level of filibusters that take up time, only hurt people and destroy credibility...
Also from the mid 60's came this powerful quote. “Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination. ... A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race -- and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.” -- Ayn Rand
On Lies: “Lies are a tool: they can be used either for good or--no, wait, I've got a better one. Lies are like children: hard work, but they're worth it because the future depends on them." Dr. Gregory House
On Ignorance: “The wise understand by themselves; fools follow the reports of others” Tibetan Proverb
On food for thought: "$ometimes it pays to follow the money — $ometimes one hand holding a million dollars is not as valuable as a million hands in a million voting booths."
And the winner is: "I don't want facts because my mind is made already made up!"
I must close for now.
Have much to do before I sleep. hehehe
I do hope that a little bit of this has given you something to think about.
This is not Republican.
This is not Democrat.
This is about you!
Do feel free to pass this on through Multiply or through your emails as well.
Special thanks to all whose thoughts and links I might have borrowed.
The pictures are credited, either in the picture itself, or by mousing over.
Those that are not are from emails and google searches.
top photo credit from here
The Mailbox, (mine). The Auction, (theirs). And the Trailer, (Kelli's).
The deer trail, through the field,
And heading straight to my little squash plants!
And heading straight to my little squash plants!
Good Afternoon All;
I had thought we would be 'on the road again' now.
Such is obviously not the case, (I have a hard time keeping the car on the road while typing). hehehe
I am sick-ish and in pain. This is NO damn way to go through life.
My head was stuffy yesterday and Lordy, it just ached. My back refuses to offer anything but pain.
I already know that I probably shouldn't have even tried to cut the lawns on Sunday, but they needed it so bad. That, combined with no Packer game, (on Sunday anyway), -along with the sunshine -and lack of much wind- made for a great day to mow.
Do not be telling me not to do this. It has to be done. More, I have never paid money to have this done, and I am not about to start now. Lawns are personal. hehehe
Autumn in Flintville- Taken from my mailbox.
Speaking of my mailbox... I have just received word from the USPS that my mailbox has to be raised 8 inches. I am thinking my mailman probably has new wheels. (Perhaps those wheels should be lowered 8 inches)!
All kidding aside, I am going to be checking around to find out how many others on this route have received this same notice. All of our mailboxes seem the same, or close enough. (Those I have asked already have not received this notification).
I will check with a tape measure if I have to.
More... my mailbox is oddly now missing its reflectors, AND its flag! Whoever did this will be caught if they tamper again- (Helps to be able to record everything via a wonderful program and a wee little camera). Thank you Greg! hehehe
Anyway, yes, it is Fall- And so lovely all around.
Not too chilly yet. (Getting there though).
If you read my last entry you will remember me stating that I wasn't going to go to my uncles auction. (Uncle Frank and my Aunt Patty are now both deceased, and the family was selling the contents of their beautiful home).
Aunt Patty is my birthmother's sister.
They are pictured below-
Aunt Patty on the far right, kneeling; with Uncle's hand on her shoulder.
My grandmother, (the only one I ever knew) is seated middle bottom.
My birthmother, Madonna, is 4th from left, top. (Her hubby Bob is 3rd from left).
Casey called me on Saturday morning- Was I still thinking of going to the auction?
Yes. (But it was a little late). I should have known better... Never say never, (and most especially where Casey is concerned)! hehehe
A little while later, we were on the road down to Appleton!
This is my Aunt Vonnie- with Casey, and Cousin Tom Runnoe
Auntie is so full of sparkling spunk! hehehe Mr. Muscles, Tom, carried out the locking cabinets I had bought and got them in the back of the car.
He didn't carry this out though...
Casey, seated at Aunt Patti's piano.
When the crowd moved inside, and later to the finished and beautiful basement, we followed.
There were a few items that I would have bought-
Once, to learn belatedly that I was bidding against Aunt Vonnie on one item! (How bad is that)?! I shut up then.
At times the crowd was reluctant to even start the bidding.
When the auctioneer got to Aunt Patty's piano, no one would offer.
This is the piano she bought when she wanted to learn how to play. After a few lessons, she decided that she would give it up as her fingers would not move fast eough. It was only played a few times.
Aw what the heck, $10.00 someone said. That the someone was me is almost beside the point. ... Well, someone had to say something.
Casey's eyes lit up.
But of course the auctioneer took it from there continued.
I did stop at Kelli's on the way home to ask if I could borrow the truck and trailer.
Now if only I could find a few good backs...
Air Show Tragedy!!!
Rating: | |
Category: | Other |
God have mercy.
Brace yourself before looking at the image below.
Know that a pilot at low level cannot control his aircraft.
WARNING- This is not for the faint of heart.
His aircraft narrowly misses a crowd gathered for the air show, slamming into four buildings.
One can only imagine the horror of the occupants inside those buildings.
Thank you SissyKrissiePoo!
I take it you're not going to Uncle Franks auction either then?
Casey. The Cabbage. The Corn. And the Crackers.
What beauty hath bloomed?
(All opened overnight on Wednesday)!
(All opened overnight on Wednesday)!
Good Morning All;
Casey is OK.
On Tuesday, she began her 2nd set of 6 infusions.
It took a while, but Nick got it running well. (No blown veins either).
Ask Casey what she thinks of having to receive more infusions...
She has taken to craving oyster crackers...
Where did that cracker go?!?
After the infusion was done, Punk got to play fetch for a few minutes.
in Casey's backyard...
I stopped at Kelli and Tim's on my way home...
Thought the moonrise through the old pines was gorgeous...
Miss Punk played with Kelli's service door in their garage-
Going in and out and in and out......
As you already know, we were gone to see Dr. Sutherland last weekend.
While we were gone, many things disappeared from around here.
Make that many many things... hehehe
A zillion loads of cabbage to still be harvested, but they keep on working-
day in and day out.
No rest for the weary.
{Which is really 'punny' because it is Wery's that rent out the land}. hehehe
The sweet corn is all gone too- even the stalks have disappeared; harvested for Fall decorations.
Still, Punk rescued one cob. Inside that cob was...
An itty bitty baby corncob! All neatly nestled within its Mama's folds-
Everyone say, "Awwwwwwwwww...."
It has been nothing but rain, with 45MPH wind gusts here- The rain has even found its way to my basement again! What the heck? hehehe
Nothing bad, just 2 little wind~driven 'rain rivers', not any wider than my finger.
(Autumn came in like a lion)!
Those winds are to slowly die down today. Thankfully they have left my roof intact, (though I probably can't say the same thing for the old shed).
Will have to check that out when the sun comes up.
Highs today to be somewhere around 60°, if that. ( CLICK for GB weather).
Getting a bit chilly. (Time for chili too)!
We were to go to Uncle Frank's auction down in Appleton this morning, but I don't think that'll happen. I need to save the petrol for our return trip for Casey's tests. (I also still need to get that oil changed).
I'll now reply to your comments on yesterdays somewhat religious blog.
I meant no disrespect to anyone, or to their Faith; except perhaps 'Mommalea' who, for whatever silly reason she has, has made it her mission in life to disrespect myself.
Around here, you get what you give. Pretty simple, that.
(Some people just choose to to learn that the hardest way possible). *sigh*
My love to all.
May you all have a "wunnaful" weekend!
MommaLea, Don't SCREAM, but I have a few ?'s.
I will blog about Casey tomorrow. For now she is OK.
Blocked again!
*NOTE: If you do not care to read about religion or faith, close this window now.
Do I begin with "Good Evening" ?
Or shall I just apologize in advance; and state what pity I feel it is that I am forced to post this in public?
-Dirty underwear and all. hehehe
I have copied here what has been written of me.
All typos left alone; as is, where is.
Well at least she got the correct link. hehehe
I have already blogged of the person who wrote the above words about me- as previously she was the impetus for me to write "People Are Different."
Click on that if you wish, that was my blog re: homosexuality.
Within that blog I had written:
"I have seen so much hypocrisy and idiocy from people who refuse to learn."
I then quoted her. As momma stated, "if i turn on the TV and ellen is on i turn it, i just wish she would get saved, she seems to have great sense of humor."
To whit, I asked "How does she know Ellen is funny if she doesn't watch her?"
(My question went unanswered)...
A SCREAMING zealot she appears to me. But she has inspired me to reply to her too.
I will begin with her reply to me on my "I Believe, Still" blog. (Click that if you haven't read it).
Anne i clicked on the link to check out about You and what you believe.All i can say is you need to get saved and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. To be Christian is to be Christ Like and here is why i have drawn this conclusion ok.
1.God wrote more than the 10 Commandments he wrote the entire bible through mankind.
2.there is no such thing as the afterlife we live and die then the judgment .
3.we only have one life we don't come back again and again
4.and hell isn't life on earth, and i hope and pray you don't go there
5.you say you don't believe in the devil, well he is very real. Lucifer and all the angels that followed him were thrown out of heaven, he was a beautiful angel once but because he tried to make him self higher than God he was punished.
6.and you believe in Karma>>>>>>>>after reading all about what you believe in it sounds like what the Buddhist believe in or the Hindus.
now in saying all this if you would like to learn more about Gods ways i would suggest you find a good church be faithful lin attending read the bible and prayer is very important . I am not trying to hurt you or tear you down but i do know what works , i have my testimony at my home page under my profile if you care to go read it . i wish all the best for you and i do know you are seeking truth, Jesus Loves you so don't stop searching. "
I am happy that you came to read of a little bit of what is inside me.
Know first that you cannot "hurt" me, or "tear me down" - unless I allow you to do so.
(And I am simply not allowing it). Not today. Not ever.
I am more than pleased by what is in my heart, and in my soul.
As stated it does not matter to me if you agree, or if you do not.
As far as I am concerned, everyone has a right to be here.
You have shared your views. I will reply in kind; even though to do so is to reiterate much of what has already been written there.
1. You wrote through mankind god wrote The 10 Commandments.
IMHO, you would ONLY be correct if then you will agree that "mankind" includes each and every human being on the face of our Earth.
2. If there is no such thing as the afterlife, where will you be -to attend that judgment you spoke of, if your soul/spirit is not alive?
Have you just betrayed yourself, or your god, by that statement alone?
3. Many people do not believe in reincarnation.
If that is your belief then that is your belief. I am not here to change anyone.
Fact: Human burials from between 30,000 and 50,000 B.C. provide evidence of human belief in an afterlife and possibly in deities, although it is not clear when human belief in deities became the dominant view. wiki
4. I love the way you phrased your reply by stating "and Hell isn't"!
(That's what I said)! hehehe
As stated above in # 3, that is your belief. I am not here to change anyone.
5. I do not believe in the devil.
(That too has been hashed and rehashed so much that it has lost its flavor).
Again as I'd written, "I only believe that there are some very dark spirits and entities living amongst, and near, to us all."
6. I really do believe in Karma.
Again, I have already said that. You have only repeated it.
* I have explained why I feel this way.
But now I am curious if you can explain why you believe that Karma is such a bad thing?
Furthermore, why do you say Karma is exclusive to Buddhists or Hindis? (It isn't you know).
Or were you trying to imply that Buddhism, or Hinduism, ie: other religions, are bad?
My God does not exclude anyone. Why does yours?
Where does your point-of-view leave people who are other faiths/practices?
What good does it do you to put down anyone else' religion or Faith, (or even the lack of it)?
What good can that possibly do anyone?
My own god does not allow me to do that- Even if he did I would not charge anyone to change.
As I had written to you previously, "I would never presume to know what God thinks of anyone! I would never think that my "God" is better than anyone else'."
God is God. Maybe we could just leave it at "God Is" for those that do believe?
Previously we had this conversation"
A. Are you admitting that there is more than one God, by asking me 'what' God I serve? That would be quite a negative in the face of The Ten Commandments.
God, by any other name, is still God.
You seem to be taking KJV all too seriously. Each and every Faith has their 'bible' Sweetie.
And whether He/She is called God, Our Creator, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Yahweh, etc.
Well, that is ALL simple semantics Lea. See, there IS only one God. And whomever God is -called- (and in direct contrast to Exodus 34:14), I assure you that my "God" is not jealous, or to be feared, if I do good throughout my life.
God will judge my heart and my soul. Nothing else.
Too, your viewpoint sadly excludes way many of gods own creations.
And by "creations" I mean all of mankind; especially those which practice their own religion(s) faithfully.
But I do believe your POV to be quite narrow when compared with my own.
I do not need to attend any church to be a 'good', or just, person. As if I might need an excuse, I will refer you to the anxiety attacks I spoke of also. Oddly these even seem to present themselves whether I am doing hypnosis, yoga exercises, driving across the state, blogging, or even attending mass!
I am well to not be part of the "Sunday faithful".
(But I do thank you for caring so darn much).
Again I am quite happy just the way I am. I am sorry you do not see the joy in my own soul. For there is a little show of Faith (mine) in almost every line; should you decide to reread it- this time as it was written.
I am not searching for anything else. My spiritual life is quite intact.
Oh wait! You are right!!!! God loves me anyway...
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!
Anne -aka- "The immoral, unchristian, (and confused) one with the Devil Spirit"
Super Majority? Let's DO it!
Hi all;
More politics. Kind of.
Rest assured that if the first post I linked and copied today didn't upset you, perhaps this one will.
Furthermore, if you do not know the definition of 'satire', please go check a dictionary.
-Or just stop reading.
Oh well.
Thank You Sayntj!
Like yourself, I get oh so tired of listening to whinebags and teabags too.
There are people here that WILL be upset by your words. Too bad. So sad.
It is high time to motivate EVERYONE to get out there and DO something!
Smells Like Team Spirit
Do the click- Borrowed and linked from here.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
President Barack Obama on Monday said times were still tough for many Americans, as he defended his policies during aggressive questioning after the worst U.S. recession since the 1930s was declared over.
As audience members at a townhall-style meeting voiced exasperation and disappointment at his administration, and one woman said she was "exhausted" from defending him, Obama stressed he understood that people were frustrated.
Article above excerpted from here
NOTE: If you missed it, this is how President Obama replied to her...
"My goal here is not to try to convince you that everything's where it needs to be -- it's not. That's why I ran for president. But what I am saying is ... that we're moving in the right direction."-
"Something that took 10 years to create is going to take a little more time to solve."
end quote
Smart man, our president.
But back to Sayntj's blog now...
So, 'We The People' are exhausted from defending him? (This is why I cant be president...SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T GET IT).
Defending Obama? That's some arrogant shit!
So here is what I think of it.
Let's get this correct, YOU are tired of defending me?
Really, defending me are you?
When did I need you to defend me?
I don't need you to defend me, I need your support in voting.
I need your support in making sure I have a super majority.
You know what, that is right?
60 democrats! Not 54 democrats and six bastards that works against you!
I know you are disappointed in me, I'm disappointed in what we have not done in comparison to what I wanted to as well.
But you are defending me?
Really, defending what?
The racist comments? I'm President, I don't need defending about my race.
Are you defending that I'm a socialist?
I have done more for Wall Street than I have Main Street, so I'm not concerned about that idiotic label.
Marxist, Hitler, or maybe I'm the monkey in the cartoon the media put out?
Sticks and stones lady!
Now if you want to get real for a minute, you aren't defending me. You are defending your vote. You are defending your choice. Not me, you would be defending all the sexist comments if Hillary won. Will you be exhausted if she is President and the Republicans are telling you that her shrilling voice is killing them?
Or that they are afraid that she scares people because once a month she could kill us all?
It's NOT about me, its about the Democratic Party being in power. Just not enough power.
You are letting the haters to get to you. I see the haters and I welcome the hate! That means I'm doing something they don't like.
Cant you see a small difference? No? Then vote for the guys that put ALL OF US IN THE SHIT I'M CLEANING!
Now if you want to criticize me, please go ahead, I can take it.
I told you change was hard and it takes time. You are bailing on me after two years? But you can hold on to a group that screwed you for years?!
C'mon the last president sent you to two wars without finding Osama bin Laden. Do you know how much that shit cost the country even before I got into office?
Your health care companies can raise your costs every year for over a decade but you stay.
Your job can offer you a 1 to 2 percent raise, while cost of living is skyrocketing for decades, but I'm exhausting you?
Maybe you need to ask yourself- {the following}-
Am I, a critical thinker, arguing with critics that don't care what I say or do?
That's why you are exhausted! Arguing politics will take your eyes off the prize of policy.
The right has nothing, I am saying...NOTHING TO OFFER YOU!
Social Security privatized, Medicare gone...you will be exhausted alright!
So give me a damn break, this ain't about me needing defending.
You just can't handle hearing that you may have made a bad choice. They are pissing you off and you can't see that they are just fucking with you because they are not in power.
They are PISSED!
You really want to piss them off...make more of the right go home.
Send the Tea Party back to the Koch Bros.
You didn't bet on the wrong horse, so don't go asking for your money before the race is over!
You want out of the game? The right will play your ass!
So, quit defending me, take your ass out and get me a SUPER MAJORITY!
If I fail...then kick my ass out. But don't ask for the "Magic Negro" to pull 60 out his ass.
(See? ... I can defend myself).
Now go, vote, fight for yourself!
More politics tomorrow...
(Wait for it)...
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